All good things must come to an end, and when Bones airs tonight, it will be the beginning of one season-long farewell to a show that ran for an impressive 12 years. What can fans expect when the final season premiere of Bones goes on tonight at 9 p.m. EST on Fox?
Booth, Brennan, Cam, Angela, Hodgins and Aubrey await your return. #Bones : The Final Chapter premieres at 9/8c.
— BONES (@BONESonFOX) January 3, 2017
According to TV Guide , Bones tonight will be the beginning of what the show creators are calling a “roller coaster” season. The creators claim that they are pleased with the fact that they’ll be getting a whole season to say goodbye to its loyal fanbase, and they realize it’s a privilege to be able to give their fans a farewell that ties up all the loose ends. The outlet spoke to executive producer Michael Peterson, who was happy that he was able to say “thank you” to everyone for their support.
“It’s a giant love letter, hopefully, to the fans. This is one where we are so appreciative that the fans, no matter what day of the week or what time we were on, they always found us. We could not be more appreciative of this wonderful run that we’ve been on.”
RETWEET if you’re ready for the season premiere of #Bones : The Final Chapter TONIGHT at 9/8c.
— BONES (@BONESonFOX) January 3, 2017
Still, when Bones airs tonight, fans will be in for a few treats, according to Cinema Blend . In addition to this premiere episode being the first where star Emily Deschanel sits in the director’s chair, it will feature Booth’s past come back to haunt him. This, said executive producer Michael Peterson, is a way for the show to close any potential plot holes in the series, and there are certainly plenty surrounding Booth’s time as a Special Forces sharpshooter.
But Peterson says the show will deal with it in a very interesting way .
“Somebody from Booth’s past—someone who was referenced in Season 1, from his time as a sniper and it comes back to haunt him in a very big way. And it’s going to affect Brennan in a way that’s going to shake her to the core. By the end of the season, she’s going to be questioning who she is.”
. @emilydeschanel makes her directorial debut with the premiere episode of #Bones ‘ final season! Watch tomorrow at 9/8c.
— BONES (@BONESonFOX) January 2, 2017
Finally, according to USA Today , Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz are both devastated that this episode of Bones tonight is the first in the final series.
The outlet spoke to the stars , who both said that they would miss the show when it goes off the air after this season.
Deschanel claims she got really emotional when she sat in the director’s chair.
“I was very emotional, and I didn’t know that would be it. I thought I would be working the next day. That was a bit of a shock, honestly, and I fell into a puddle of tears.”
Boreanaz, for his part, is glad for the show’s history, and for Brennan and Booth to become a couple, despite the fear of a so-called “ Moonlighting curse.”
“The arc of Booth and Brennan was really the most gratifying. There was something so slow and honest about their evolution as individuals and as a couple. You didn’t have to force it or rush it. At a certain point, the tension was dishonest. They needed to be together.”
Happy New Year!???? #Bones
— BONES (@BONESonFOX) January 1, 2017
The final season of Bones begins tonight on Fox. Check your local listings for the channel.
Will you be watching Bones tonight?
[Featured Image by Fox]