One might expect the life of First Ladies to be all sunshine and rainbows, but the position comes with a bunch of restrictions. Some of them are so bizarre that it might even be baffling.
That being said, here are 7 bizarre rules that First Ladies are expected to follow during their spouse’s tenure in office.
First Ladies Can Only Decorate Some Parts of the White House
It’s only natural to want to redo elements of a house that one moves into and it isn’t absurd to assume that a First Lady would expect to do the same. While they are allowed to do so, there are certain restrictions when it comes to the parts of the White House that they can give a makeover.
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First Ladies are only permitted to reorganize or alter the family living quarters on the second and third floors of the White House. Author Kate Andersen Brower, in an interview with ABC News, explained the reason behind why they weren’t allowed to work on other parts of the White House, saying, “Some parts are essentially historic rooms and belong to the American people, not to the families who live there.”
First Ladies Can’t Accept Gifts From Foreign Governments But Can Accept Domestic Gifts
One would expect that the diplomatic duties that come with being a First Lady would also encompass them receiving presents from foreign dignitaries. While they are allowed to receive the gifts, they cannot keep them.
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The gifts aren’t considered presents to the President or his family, instead, they are considered presents to the United States and are handled by the National Archives and Records Administration. But, if the gift is given by a domestic entity, they can hold on to it. However, any edible, combustible, or cosmetic item is destroyed by the Secret Service for safety reasons.
First Ladies Can’t Open Windows in the White House
This might be one of the most bizarre rules ever but First Ladies aren’t allowed to open windows in the White House. This rule was revealed by former First Lady Michelle Obama during an appearance on Oprah Winfrey’s show.
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Speaking to the popular television personality, Obama said, “In the White House you can’t open a window. Sasha opened her window once — there were calls. ‘Shut the window!’ It never opened again.”
First Ladies Have To Pay For Their Expenses
While one might expect the First Family to have privileges, and they quite certainly do, the President’s family doesn’t get to spend the government’s money on personal expenses. They are expected to cover for their toiletries, clothing, and other grocery expenses.
The White House usher’s office, as per the Guardian, prepares a monthly bill for the aforementioned items and sends it to the President and First Lady.
First Ladies Can Accept Designer Clothes-But There’s a Catch!
First Ladies, especially Melania Trump, are known for their fashion statements. Designers vy for their fashion demands and pander to them as it’s a badge of honor. While they are allowed to accept designer clothes, they are allowed to wear them only once.
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The clothes are to be donated after. This does not apply to designer clothes that are purchased, though. A First Lady is free to purchase them and use them how many ever times she wishes to. She obviously is expected to pay for them in full.
First Ladies Aren’t Allowed to Drive
This rule contends with the no-open-window restriction for the most bizarre rule that a First Lady is bound by. The Secret Service does not allow First Ladies to drive cars.
Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama have both complained about this rule, remarking how they missed being able to drive themselves.
First Ladies Don’t Get Paid for Their Work in the White House But They Can Hold Private Jobs
While it’s only common to expect the First Lady to be compensated for her contributions much like the President, First Ladies aren’t paid for the work they do.
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Author Lauren A. Wright broke down the tactic behind this rule, saying, “The White House depends so much on their unpaid and unofficial status. There’s an advantage to that, to be able to leverage this person who seems like they’re apolitical, not vested in political outcomes.”
However, First Ladies are allowed to hold jobs. Bess Truman, Sarah Polk, and Eleanor Roosevelt all held jobs while their respective spouses were in office.