Billie Lourd , the daughter of legendary Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher, shared a heartwarming tribute to her late mother on Sunday in a Mother’s Day Instagram post. The American Horror Story and Scream Queens actress shared a black-and-white photo that shows her mother wearing a clown nose and a big smile while snuggling baby Billie. Fisher looks radiantly happy and baby Billie is staring off-camera while cuddling up to her mother’s cheek.
Lourd began the post by sending love to all the people whose mothers have died. She said that this year is her fourth Mother’s Day with her “Momby” and that the day is always a difficult one for her.
Lourd went on to say that since losing her mother, she always celebrates Mother’s Day by doing things that remind her of Fisher and doing the things that they loved to do together. She said that she always watches her mom’s favorite movies, listens to music they both loved, and eats the comfort foods they always ate together. Lourd also mentioned that she loves looking through old pictures of the two of them on Mother’s Day.
She disclosed that for Mother’s Day 2020 she plans to “watch Postcards from The Edge, listen to Tom Petty + Dire Straits, have a fried mozzarella from La Scala and have a couple Coca-Colas with an aggressive amount of ice.”
Lourd ended the post by reminding people that Mother’s Day often comes with all sorts of emotions — not just happy emotions — and that it’s okay to feel whatever you feel.
In a 2017 interview with American Horror Story co-star Sarah Paulson published in Town & Country , Lourd gave intimate and in-depth details about her relationship with her mother . She described Fisher as a fun and supportive mother who was always devastatingly honest.
Lourd told Paulson that her mother encouraged her to begin acting. Fisher connected her with director JJ Abrams, who asked Lourd to come read for a part in the Star Wars film he was directing. When Fisher saw how comfortable Lourd was on the set of the film, she suggested that Lourd should pursue acting as a career.
Fisher was Lourd’s number one supporter, even on the last day they saw each other. Lourd told Paulson in the Town & Country interview that Fisher made her come over to watch an episode of Scream Queens with her so they could talk about her performance. Lourd said she was feeling bad about her performance, but her mother “forced me to see the good parts. She was incredible like that.”
Fisher died in 2016, officially from sleep apnea, but Lourd spoke out soon after her death to reveal that a relapse into addiction had contributed to her mother’s death, according to E News .