Eric Bolling usually takes over for The O’Reilly Factor on Friday evenings while Bill O’Reilly himself takes an early weekend. However, since this was the first episode of The Factor since the FBI has decided to renew its investigation of Hillary Clinton just 12 days before the election, O’Reilly appeared by telephone.
Eric Bolling first introduced the news.
“There are stunning new developments in the Hillary Clinton email scandal as the FBI announced that it’s reviewing newly discovered emails that can have a direct bearing on the election. The FBI’s action is resulting from a separate investigation into disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, the husband of top Clinton aid Huma Abedin.”
Bolling added that Weiner is under federal investigation for allegedly sexting an underage girl in North Carolina and, as part of the inquiry, the FBI saw devices from both Weiner and Abedin that had suspicious emails concerning Hillary Clinton. The FBI has not released any more details on the investigation yet and will not say if some of those suspicious emails contained classified information.
Bolling soon showed a video clip of Donald Trump’s response on Friday.
“As you might have heard earlier today, the FBI — after discovering new emails — is reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton,” Trump calmly pointed out with the crowd behind him erupting into cheers.
As Bolling notes, Hillary Clinton stressed that Comey himself said that he doesn’t know if the emails that are being investigated are significant or not. Clinton declared that she is confident that whatever the emails show, they will not alter last July’s conclusion that she did not commit a criminal act.
Bill O’Reilly then appeared on the show by telephone. O’Reilly explained how Comey messed up the previous investigation by not calling for a grand jury. Bill O’Reilly indicated that through his research, he discovered that the lack of a grand jury was extremely unusual. He then talked about the effects this can have on the upcoming election.
“If you look at the new Fox News poll, the enthusiasm deficit between Trump and Clinton is about seven percent. That means seven percent of Trump voters are more enthusiastic to vote for him than Clinton’s supporters are to vote for her,” O’Reilly indicated, adding that something like this erodes enthusiasm for Clinton and could make people who were going to vote for her as the least objectionable candidate not vote at all.
O’Reilly added that if Trump seizes on Clinton’s latest troubles, doesn’t blow it in the next 10 days, and emphasized that she could be indicted if elected, Trump could win the election. Sky News also believes that Friday’s revelations could cause a seismic shift in the election .
“It is an extraordinary twist to add to an already protracted and complex scandal. The lack of clarity and the stream of new queries will further fuel speculation at a time when trust is deeply fragile.”
The article adds that many voters have lingering doubts about what to trust, and that a newly energized Donald Trump now has the potential to influence voters who are already wary of Mrs. Clinton. The investigation will not be over until after the election.
There are several left-leaning news sources that are criticizing James Comey for revealing the new investigation 12 days before the election, even though these were the same sources who praised Comey for not indicting Hillary Clinton last July. Some believe he has been pressured by Donald Trump’s camp.
Do you agree with Bill O’Reilly and others who believe the latest FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton could have a major influence on the election? Let us know what you think in the comments section.
[Featured Image by Darren McCollester/Getty Images]