Florida anti-Muslim pastor Terry Jones was invited to speak at a rally in Dearborn, Missouri, Saturday by some local bikers. However, the bikers failed to show up.
Jones, dressed in a leather Harley Davidson jacket, said he had a group of about 100 bikers from the organization “American Patriot Riders” to make passes at Mosques in Detroit and nearby Dearborn before arriving at Dearborn City Hall for a rally according to MLive .
Jones said the bikers feared police would photograph their license plates for surveillance reasons. As it turned out, there were more police on-hand than supporters.
“They all had good leather jackets on, they looked really tough,” Jones said to about 20 people. “They’re a bunch of stinking cowards.”
Jones was arrested on September 11, 2013 after police seized 2,998 kerosene-soaked Qurans to commemorate the victims of 9/11. Jones said he plans to burn Qurans on the anniversary this year.
“We’re going to do what we got stopped last year,” he said. “We’re going to have the burning of 2,998 Qurans.”
Jones leads “Stand Up America Now,” a Christian-influenced organization that criticizes Muslims and advocates for free speech. Jones said the bikers invited him to the Dearborn rally and paid his travel expenses.
He said some small group of Muslims are “peaceful, but as they get larger, they desire to put Sharia law in place.” He called Islam “totally not compatible with Western society,” and “the biggest violator of human rights of all time.”
Dearborn, whose motto is “Hometown of Henry Ford” has an estimated population of 98,000, with an estimated 32,000 Muslims.
The Islamic Center of America located in Dearborn is the largest Mosque in North America.
There were stories online in October 2013 that Dearborn had become the first city in the United States to fully implement Sharia law. That story was debunked by Snopes .
Three burnt Qurans were left outside the Karbalaa Islamic Education Center in Dearborn earlier in the week.
Imam of the mosque, Sheikh Husham Al-Hussainy, confirmed the incident happened and police and the FBI are investigating.
“I’ve been in this mosque for 20 years, and this has never happened,” he said. “It’s the first time.”
Jones said, “They can burn the Quran because… from a pastoral view, the Quran is the devil.”
Jones supporter Robin Hubbard said, “I don’t like the slant of ‘you are antagonizing, you are trying to start trouble,’ when you’re expressing your free speech.”
“I’m praying for the people and praying for peace here,” Hubbard said. “And praying for them to come to the knowledge of the truth of Jesus Christ, neighborhood by neighborhood.”
[Image via Detroit Free Press ]