Big Brother 21 spoilers for Week 10 reveal that the Power of Veto ceremony has been held and the final nominations are now in place. There is supposedly an eviction plan that the houseguests all agreed upon, but the latest teasers hint that things just might shift in the days ahead.
As The Inquisitr previously detailed, Tommy Bracco won the Power of Veto for Week 10. He talked with Head of Household Jackson Michie about what he wanted to do, and it seems he did waver a bit. He wanted to save Christie Murphy, but he was afraid of that coming back to bite him later.
Ultimately, Tommy did save Christie from the block according to spoiler Twitter page @BB_Updates. This didn’t come as a shock to anybody, as he had even told Jessica Milagros, the other nominee, his plans.
Tommy and Jackson spent a great deal of time talking ahead of the POV ceremony to discuss who to put up next to Jess. Cliff Hogg had already offered to be a pawn nominee, since Jess has been the eviction target, and he was the primary focus of the discussions ahead of the ceremony.
Jackson and Holly Allen still seem to be primarily aligned with Cliff and Nicole Anthony. However, Jackson and Holly are definitely doing what they can to let Tommy and Christie think they’re willing to coordinate plans. Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds note that Christie talked with Cliff about all of this, so she’s not entirely oblivious to what Jackson and Holly are doing.
A new HOH was crowned, and two Houseguests went on the block. ICYMI, catch up now: #BB21
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) September 2, 2019
Cliff didn’t reveal anything particularly damaging, as he knows he is best off sticking with Jackson and Holly. However, Christie does seem to realize that Jackson is telling different factions of the house whatever will keep him in the best position with each different combination of houseguests.
At this point, Jess is still the target for eviction mostly because Jackson worries about becoming a target if she stays in the house. In addition, he worries about Cliff going to the jury house and leaving him with Tommy as the only two males left.
Jackson may find himself facing a bit of pressure in the days ahead to eliminate Cliff rather than Jess. However, so far, it appears that Jess is still the most likely of the two to be evicted next.
This Thursday brings a double eviction, which the houseguests don’t seem to be anticipating. In several prior weeks, they worked on plans in case there was a double eviction, but so far, it doesn’t seem to be on their radar heading into Week 11.
Will Jessica Milagros head to the jury house next or will plans shift over the next few days to make Cliff Hogg the target instead? Stay tuned for additional Big Brother 21 spoilers as Week 10 continues to see how things seem to shape up for the next elimination.