Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother All-Stars .
The 10th Head of Household has been crowned on this season of Big Brother . Tyler Crispen was evicted by a unanimous vote on Thursday, leaving just five players in the game to vie for the $500,000 grand prize. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Nicole Franzel walked way with her first HOH of the season after the endurance competition.
Nicole’s victory almost guaranteed that Cody Calafiore would not be put on the block this week, as the duo have had a solid final two deal since the beginning of the season. On Friday evening, Nicole had to choose two players to nominate for eviction, and her selections didn’t come as much of a surprise. According to Big Brother Daily on Twitter , the former winner nominated Christmas Abbott and Memphis Garrett for eviction.
Nicole, Cody, and Enzo are fine with either Christmas or Memphis going home this week. While they would be happy with either leaving the game, it looks like the group is leaning toward getting rid of Memphis.
They understand that Christmas does not have many friends in the jury house, so to bring her along closer to the end makes more sense. The jury is more likely to respect the game Memphis has been playing, and he has a better chance of winning the grand prize.
The Power of Veto is absolutely crucial this week, and Nicole, Cody, and Enzo have agreed that should Memphis or Christmas win it and pull themselves down, Enzo and Cody will play rock-paper-scissors to determine who goes up as the replacement. Either way, the group will have the votes to keep one of the men in the house.
Enzo, Cody, and Nicole have basically solidified their final three alliance deal, with all agreeing that once they make it to that point, that they will all gun for the last HOH, and whoever wins gets to decide whatever they want. If Nicole makes it that far, she will likely be taken to the end, as both Enzo and Cody are certain they will take home the victory should they be sitting next to her on finale night.
The likelihood of Nicole winning this year is slim-to-none, as it would be shocking if an All-Star jury decided to give her $500,000 for the second time. Cody and Enzo are also significantly more well-liked with this year’s jurors and would win over her with no issues.
Who would win between Cody and Enzo is really up in the air, but that situation is unlikely to play out in the end.