Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21.
Week 8 in the Big Brother house has been quite the doozy. The week is nearing completion in gameplay, despite not playing out in broadcast episodes whatsoever. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Jackson Michie landed the eighth Head of Household (HOH) of the season after winning the lengthy slip and slide competition. Christie Murphy and Analyse Talavera were promptly put on the block shortly after.
On Saturday afternoon, along with the HOH and the nominees, Cliff Hogg, Holly Allen, and Nick Maccarone were selected to play in the Power of Veto (POV) competition. In the evening, it was reported by a Big Brother spoiler account on Twitter that Michie walked away with the POV, putting him in total control of his HOH week.
Michie’s victory has pretty much put the nail in the coffin for Christie, who is his main target. The Tennessean has already admitted that Analyse was put up as a pawn, and Christie was the one who needed to go this week. Now that nominations are going to stay the same, Christie might as well start packing her bags.
As of Saturday evening, the votes are going to go as follows:
- Holly – vote to evict Christie
- Cliff – vote to evict Christie
- Nick – vote to evict Christie
- Nicole – vote to evict Christie
- Jess – unknown
- Tommy – unknown
With two votes still up in the air, it doesn’t matter with Christie only needing four to send her packing. Even if there is a 3-3 tie, Michie will be the tie-breaker and send his former Six Shooters alliance member home. When it comes to gameplay, Michie knows Christie is the better option to evict, but he made a comment about Analyse’s attitude that suggests he wouldn’t be totally upset if the latter went home.
“Attitude wise, I would rather see [Analyse] go. Game wise, I would rather see Christie go,” Michie told Holly after the POV competition.
Michie also noted that he and Holly needed to do damage control with Analyse this week to try and get her on their side for the future of the game. Analyse has been avoiding the showmance duo, even ignoring them completely when they try to speak with her.
With five days left before the live eviction, there is still plenty of social game to be played. While Christie is unlikely to campaign against Analyse, those who are able to vote this week could still decide to evict the brunette over the “universe-manifesting” blonde.
Big Brother airs every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights.