Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21.
Week 2 of Big Brother Season 21 is in full swing, and while Jack Matthews has been named the new Head of Household (HOH) in last Thursday’s episode, nothing else has played out on screen. Over on the live feeds, however, two nominees have already been put on the block and the Power of Veto (POV) competition is over and done with.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, Kemi Faknule and Jessica Milagros were both nominated for eviction. On Saturday afternoon, the players for the Veto competition were chosen. Sam Smith, Jackson Michie, and Isabella Wang were all selected to play, alongside Jack, Kemi, and Jessica. According to Big Brother Daily’s Twitter account, Sam Smith has walked away with the POV win.
This is the second POV win of the season for Sam, and whether or not he will remove a nominee from the block like he did last week remains to be seen. Last week, Sam used the POV to remove Cliff Hogg III from the block, even though he wasn’t in danger of being sent home. Ovi Kabir was put up in his place by Christine Murphy, and Ovi was eventually evicted and sent to Camp Comeback.
Now that the POV competition has wrapped, the houseguests are discussing the plan for the rest of the week. As of Saturday evening, the Gr8ful alliance, which includes Jack, Jackson, Isabella, Christie, Analyse Talavera, Nick Maccarone, Holly Allen, and Tommy Bracco, were discussing which of Kemi or Jessica was the better houseguest to send home.
In a conversation with Christie and Analyse, Sam noted that Kemi can’t win competitions, while Analyse said Jess wasn’t able to win any competitions either. The Gr8ful alliance is trying to decide who to keep based on who will win more competitions in the future, and who poses the biggest threat to their group.
Sam has not mentioned using the veto at all since winning it. Even though he is not a member of the Gr8ful alliance, he traditionally goes along with the group’s consensus. No one is aware of the eight-member alliance, other than those in it, but Sam is on good terms with everyone that makes up the pack.
Kemi did speak to Sam and said she figured he would not use the Veto on anyone, keeping the nominations the same. While she didn’t beg him to take her down, she did note that she would never vote for Sam if he was on the block in the future, in an effort to get him to vote out Jessica on eviction night.
Big Brother airs this Sunday at 8 p.m. ET. Episodes will follow Wednesday and Thursday at 9 p.m. ET on CBS.