Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21.
It’s Week 10 in the Big Brother house and two new nominees have been placed on the block for eviction. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Jackson Michie walked away with the Head of Household (HOH) victory after Thursday night’s live episode, making it the second time that he’s held the title this season. Jackson has also won the last two Power of Veto (POV) competitions, making him one to watch for in the show’s last few weeks.
Early discussions suggested that Jackson was going to place Christie Murphy and Jessica Milagros on the block, with the latter being the true target of the week. It has now been confirmed by the BB Updates Twitter account that Jackson did nominate the two women, and already has a backup plan for who will go up should one of them come down by winning, or being given, the POV.
Christie knew she was going on the block, so nominations weren’t much of a surprise to her. This is the third time she has been nominated for eviction this season, and if she comes out safe again by the end of this week, she’ll be playing one heck of a game. Jess also figured she would be going on the block this week after having a lengthy conversation with Jackson on Friday afternoon. Jess wasn’t sure why Jackson saw her as a threat, but he promised he wanted her on the block to guarantee she would play in the POV competition.
For now, it looks like Jackson will replace one of the women with Cliff Hogg or Tommy Bracco should Christie or Jess come down. With Cliff being an alliance member with Jackson, his nomination will almost guarantee that whichever woman is left on the block will be going home. Tommy is the only houseguest who has not been nominated for eviction at all this season.
The POV competition will play out on Saturday, with the POV ceremony following on Monday afternoon. Host Julie Chen-Moonves announced on Thursday night’s episode that this coming week would feature the season’s first double eviction, meaning two people are going home at the end of Week 10.
There is currently only one final four alliance in the house consisting of Jackson, Cliff, Holly Allen, and Nicole Alexander. One of the three will have to win — Jackson cannot play in a second HOH — to make sure their alliance stays safe. There will only be two players on the outs who will likely go up for eviction, Christie, Jess, or Tommy depending on the first eviction, but that could all change when the second POV occurs.
Big Brother airs every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights on CBS.