It is Week 6 in the Season 21 Big Brother house, and spoilers tease that a controversial houseguest will soon be evicted. The Power of Veto ceremony was held on Monday, and the results reveal the final nominees for the week.
Jessica Milagros won Head of Household for Week 6 and she nominated Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie. These two men had been on the block together before, but they were saved by the POV and subsequent nomination. This time, however, Big Brother spoilers indicate they were not able to pull it off again.
As The Inquisitr shared over the weekend, Jess won the POV. It was expected that she would leave Jack and Jackson on the block, choosing not to use the Veto. Big Brother spoilers from the Twitter account @BB_Updates share that’s exactly what happened.
That means that either Jackson or Jack will be the first houseguest sent to the jury. Which BB21 player will it be? Big Brother spoilers hint that things may get quite intense over the next few days as this has the potential to be a close vote.
Jess and her alliance, “Cliff’s Angels” with Cliff Hogg, Nicole Anthony, and Kathryn Dunn, want to see Jack gone. The group will surely have Holly Allen’s vote as well since she’s in a showmance with Jackson.
However, Jack is working hard to ensure that he gets to stick around for another week. Big Brother spoilers note that he’s talked with Christie Murphy about making a massive deal with Cliff that he thinks will swing things his way.
Cliff heard from Nick Maccarone that Jack was feeling confident in gaining Cliff’s trust. Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds indicated that Cliff didn’t waste much time in telling his gals that he wouldn’t go for it.
Big Brother Network notes that Christie’s power has now expired, so that won’t factor into any nomination or veto decisions in the weeks ahead. While there’s been a lot of buzz throughout the house among the BB21 houseguests regarding Jack and Jackson, BBN suggests that ultimately, Matthews may only end up with Analyse Talavera’s vote.
Things could change over the next few days, and live feed spoilers tease that there is a lot of talk among the houseguests that could signal the potential for a shift. Even if it were to be a tie, Jess plans to evict Jack, and if that happens, it sounds as if Nick will definitely be on her radar has having decided to try to save Jack over Jackson.
Will Sis, Tommy Bracco, and Christie all vote to keep Jack and which way will Nick fall? Additional Big Brother 21 spoilers will emerge over the next couple of days to show how things are falling into place. At this point, it certainly appears likely that Jack Matthews will head to the jury house and Jackson Michie will be sticking around for at least another week.