‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Results – Final Nominees Revealed On Live Feeds After PoV Meeting

Published on: July 17, 2017 at 5:54 PM

Big Brother 19 spoilers reveal the latest live feed insights from the BB19 house. The Veto Ceremony has taken place, and the two nominees to face the live eviction on Thursday, July 20, are locked. Alex’s HoH reign seems to be going exactly as she wants it despite some major drama in the house, with one of the two nominees throwing as much shade as possible. Here’s what you need to know.

Jason won PoV, did not use it

As BB19 live feed watchers have seen, Jason has been beating a dead horse all week trying to get Alex to agree to save Jessica and put Raven up in her place. It’s been Jason’s non-stop mantra ever since Alex won HoH last Thursday and said she would nominate Jessica as one of the two on the Chopping Block. Jason’s arguments fell on deaf ears and then increasingly annoyed others when he wouldn’t stop.

Alex, with a push from Paul, decided that targeting Dominique this week was the best idea. Dominique’s talk show has rubbed many house guests the wrong way because they see it as her trying to ferret out more information to benefit her game and to strategize against others. After Alex had nominated Jessica and Dominique, Dom dug in her heels and tried to save herself in the worst possible way – by getting aggro.

Post-PoV explosion

Over the weekend, after the Power of Veto competition, Dominique went even harder on the offensive. The house was worked up and stayed up late and after 5 a.m. Big Brother time, Dominique and Paul faced off with her calling him a snake and an infiltrator. According to BB19 spoilers from Big Brother Network . The confrontation wasn’t good for Dom, and the other HGs seem ready to send her packing.

Jason spent the weekend sweating what to do with his PoV. Jason was back and forth on using the power. Big Brother 19 spoilers from the live feeds showed Alex telling Jason if he used the PoV and pulled Jessica off the block, she would put Mark up as a pawn to ensure Dominique was voted out. Jason didn’t like that and tried his Raven spiel again. That failed.

Explosive Veto Ceremony

Jason talked to Mark and Elena, who worried Mark might be voted out as a pawn. Elena and Mark told Jason there’s no reason to use the veto since it seems a lock that Dominique will be evicted, and so there’s already a pawn on the block – Jessica. But before Jason got to call the kibosh on using the PoV, things blew up. Paul showed up in a snake costume and hissed at Dom.

And there were Big Brother fireworks from Dominique too as she called out Elena. But at the end of it all, Jason decided not to use his golden Power of Veto and tucked it back into the box. That leaves Dominique and Jessica on the Chopping Block heading into Thursday’s live eviction. Unless something drastic changes, Dom will be evicted and will face off in the Battle Back.

Den of Temptation and Battle Back Friday, July 21

Big Brother 19 host Julie Chen announced a Battle Back during Cody’s eviction interview after she asked if he had any social game at all. This Friday night, there will be a special BB19 Battle Back episode. In the mix will be Cameron who never got to play since Paul took his place in the game. Also in there is second evictee Jillian and third evicted houseguest Cody .

This week’s evicted HG, presumably Dominique, will also play and it will be interesting to see what type of challenge the four will face to get back into the house. In BB18 , Victor dominated in several challenges to come back more than once. So far in BB19 , there’s only been one battle to return announced. Who will win it? If it’s Cody, that’s sure to shake up the Big Brother house.

Tensions continue to mount as Jason is angry that Alex is relying more on Paul than him. This should make things interesting going into next week when Paul’s three weeks of safety ends. Are you glad Jason won the PoV and didn’t use it? Who’s your choice to be evicted this week on BB19? Check back often for more Big Brother 19 spoilers .

[Featured Image by Sonja Flemming/CBS]

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