Big Brother 19 spoilers from the live feeds have made apparent that Cody is doomed and will be sent packing at this Thursday’s BB19 live eviction but we also know that this week is a double eviction, so there will be a full week of Big Brother played in that hour. With that in mind, who is destined to follow Cody out the door and bunk down with the stoic Marine in the BB19 Jury House? Ousted houseguest Jessica warned the others to take out Paul soon, or he’ll win the cash prize, but it seems that no one was listening. So who will go next?
Paul’s running the BB19 house — can he be ousted?
If the Big Brother houseguests could pull it together, they have the power and votes to send veteran Paul out the door and show him that friendship won’t help him win this season of Big Brother . There have been sparks of conversation here and there, but for the most part, houseguests seem too scared to take on Paul. Mark tried to feel out Jason for making a move on Paul on the live feeds over the weekend, but Jason didn’t nibble. The problem seems to be that everyone runs back to Paul because everyone is worried it will make them a target.
This week’s BB19 HoH is Alex, but Paul is the de facto HoH since everything is going just as he wants. This morning on the CBS Big Brother live feeds, as reported by Jokers Updates , Jason mentioned to Alex that he wanted Christmas out and suspects she’s got something going on with Josh. Alex then warned Jason not to screw over Paul and said “he will ruin you,” and that seemed to shut down that avenue of conversation. Jason has been suspicious of Paul but hasn’t been able to drive a wedge between the bearded one and Alex.
Counting the Votes in Week 7 of #BB19 & things don’t look good for Cody, but he hasn’t given up yet.
— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) August 15, 2017
With Paul in charge, who will be the second victim of the DE?
The big question is who will fall to the gauntlet with Paul presumably in the clear and not a target thanks to his close allies. Elena is the likeliest to be shown the door of the BB19 house next. Josh wanted Elena out on his HoH in Week 6, but Paul pushed Jessica out the door and now Cody will fall prey to Paul’s schemes in Week 7. Unless Elena wins HoH, it seems very likely that she will be back on the Chopping Block and a promising candidate for the double eviction.
Big guy Mark is another target for the Big Brother houseguests. Christmas and others took him to task for being kind to Cody this week, so he’s got the taint of the soon-to-be-evicted weighing on him plus he’s the only one who has been brave enough to throw Paul’s name out there. If the houseguests want Mark out of the BB19 house, they will likely need to try and back door him since he’s proven to be something of a competition beast throughout this season of Big Brother .
idk why Mark is crying #bb19
— BB Feeds Fairy #BB25 (@BBFeedsFairy) August 14, 2017
You won’t like Mark when he’s angry
A number of comparisons have been made to Mark and the Incredible Hulk this season and last night, the other HGs managed to make him turn red rather than green when they ganged up and angered him. Paul is cleverly setting up Mark and Elena as potential victims of the double eviction by encouraging the other houseguests to rile up the big guy. Last night there was a kerfluffle in the Big Brother house over beds and pillows that left Mark frustrated and red-faced in anger.
Josh insisted on sleeping with Elena, whom everyone knows Mark is crushing on hard — and then Paul pointed Josh at Mark to attack over non-existent scheming with Cody. Big Brother 19 right now consists of Paul systemically using minions to target others while keeping the spotlight off himself while he stealthily creeps closer to the big money at the end of BB19 . Since Cody knows he’s leaving Thursday, perhaps he will launch a campaign to educate the rest of the BB19 house on the dangers of keeping Paul.
Double Eviction might be best chance to send Paul packing
Those watching BB19 last week saw Jessica focus her exit speech at Paul but gained no traction, so it bears repeating. If Cody reiterates reasons to evict Paul, maybe it will sink in since the DE night prevents Paul from scheming for a week to cover himself. The HoH is all-important this week. If Mark or Elena wins HoH and PoV and can get (and keep) Paul on the block, perhaps they can rally votes. If anyone else wins the DE HoH, Paul should be safe.
With the Temptation Comp not a factor Thursday night, there will be two nominees and seven houseguests voting, so four votes are needed. Jason might vote against Paul, and Mark or Elena could vote against him leaving two votes lacking. Christmas might teeter over to vote against Paul leaving one vote required, and someone might man up if they saw it was feasible to evict the vet. Kevin’s name has also been dropped and could be a potential target, but with Mark in the crosshairs of Paul’s alliance, the old guy should be safe for another week.
Tune in Thursday night for the live double eviction and come back often for more Big Brother 19 spoilers.
[Featured Image by Johnny Vy/CBS]