‘Big Brother 18’ News: Natalie Negrotti Reveals If She Wants To Be With James Huling When Show Ends

Published on: September 14, 2016 at 12:46 AM

Big Brother 18 is coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean that everything has to end. Natalie Negrotti is now speaking out about what her plans are when it comes to being with James Huling after the show. Us Magazine shared the details about what Natalie had to say about the chances they could end up together when the show is over. James and Natalie seemed to be the perfect match, but then all of a sudden, things went downhill for them.

Natalie is gone from the show, but she is still in the jury. She was able to give an interview and talk about her thoughts on James. Natalie revealed all in her interview.

“He’s caring, he’s understanding and he’s an all-around good guy with good character. He has the best character out of any guy I have ever met. I would love to be in a relationship with James. He is everything I look for in a partner. He is the ying to my yang. He is in Texas and I am in the Northeast. If we are compatible outside the house, it would be great to be in a relationship. If not, I am happy being friends.”

It really does sound like Natalie Negrotti realizes that the distance would make things hard, but she thinks that James is a great match for her. A few fans were shocked when these two ended up together, but James and Natalie got along great up until right before she left the house. Natalie admits that this blowout fight they had was hard on her. She says she is happy James stayed and never meant to hurt him at all.

Sometimes being part of a showmance can kill your game, but that didn’t happen with Natalie and James. They were able to make it really far in the game together. Natalie didn’t regret the decision either. She said, “I met James and he is so, so special to me. This season being in a showmance was good.” Now if Natalie was able to do the show again in the future, she said she wouldn’t be in a showmance unless it was with James. It would be pretty shocking if they both ever ended up on the show together again.

Hollywood Reporter shared a bit more about what Natalie Negrotti had to say about her relationship with James. These two never showed off any PDA, so Natalie was asked if it was even really romantic between them. Natalie said she wanted to cuddle with James and kiss him all the time, but she didn’t want her family and small children to see her doing this on the show. They also asked her what she thought Meg Maley would think of her showmance with James. Meg is a great friend of James. Here is what Natalie had to say.

“I’m not really sure. I would hope that she cared about our showmance and approved of it. I always had James’ best intentions in mind. That is also why I won HOH was because I wanted to pull my weight and make James feel safe for a week just like he did for me. All season long I was defending James. I hope people remember that instead of my last week where I was just really emotional about the situation.”

Do you think that James and Natalie should date outside of the Big Brother 18 house? Do you feel like Natalie Negrotti needs to apologize and go after him? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don’t miss new episodes of Big Brother on CBS. This season is coming to an end, and fans can’t wait to see what happens.

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