Big Brother 17 spoilers from August 6 reveal who won the BB17 endurance competition. It also showcases how the new Head of Household could continue targeting the “power couple” of the season. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Clay Honeycutt was voted out 9-0, and the houseguests began competing for the next HOH. Only live feed viewers found out the results early, as it went longer into the night. It was Becky Burgess who won the power, but as a report from fan site Big Brother Network indicates, she is already figuing out her plan for nominations.
Quite simply put, Becky is planning to target Vanessa Rousso for eviction. She is on the “other side” of the house from the “Sixth Sense” alliance, especially with how Vanessa and Shelli Poole treated her earlier in the BB17 house. Shelli is likely to be one of the nominees, with Becky considering which houseguest to use as a pawn on the block beside her. The ultimate plan is for her alliance (mainly Jackie Ibarra, Meg Maley, and James Huling) to “backdoor” Vanessa right out of the house. They have grown very tired of the way Vanessa and Shelli have controlled the game to this point.
The next major installment of Big Brother 17 spoilers likely won’t come until the Week 7 eviction nominations are revealed. Up until that very moment, it may be unclear who Becky will use as the pawn. It won’t be one of her alliance members, but it could be Austin Matelson, Liz Nolan, or Julia Nolan with the way negotiations play out over the next 24 hours. The intent is to create a situation where even if Shelli Poole remains on the block and Vanessa Rousso cannot be used as a replacement nominee, that it is Shelli walking out the door next.
The BB17 house has definitely shifted a lot from where it was just a week ago, propelled by James Huling winning that Week 6 endurance challenge. Becky continued the trend by completely dominating the Week 7 competition, nearly flipping where the power in the house resides. Meanwhile, people like Steve Moses still just seem to be along for the ride.
While the Veto competition will take place on Saturday (August 8), CBS viewers will only find out the results of the last HOH competition and the nominations during the Sunday episode (August 9). That’s where many more Big Brother 17 spoilers could be revealed, but for now, Vanessa and Shelli need to start scrambling if they want to avoid remaining as the two huge Week 7 targets.
[Image Source: CBS Big Brother Press Kit]