Big Brother 17 spoilers from Thursday night, July 30, could take a while to come out. The BB17 house is competing in an endurance challenge that will lead to just one person as the Head of Household. A report from fan site Big Brother Network confirms that the Battle of the Block is done for now. There are quite a few fans of the show that are going to enjoy that news, especially with all the houseguests that have tried to lose it on purpose recently.
The Big Brother 17 spoilers that deal with the endurance challenge will come out later on Thursday night as the houseguests start dropping out of the competition. The newest Head of Household won’t be confirmed on the newest episode of the show either, giving live feed viewers a lot of fun. This is the first real endurance challenge for the BB17 house that hasn’t been taped in advance by producers. That alone brings a lot of excitement to the night.
Taking a step back to the July 30 episode recap, the houseguests had to first vote on the fifth eviction of the season. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Clay Honeycutt won the Week 5 Veto competition, and then took himself off the block. Outgoing HOH Vanessa Rousso then selected Jason Roy as a replacement nominee, putting him on the block beside Becky Burgess. It meant two people were on the block that Vanessa had promised safety to, shocking Jason due to what he had been told. Immediately Meg Maley and Jackie Ibarra wanted Vanessa out of the house.
Flash forward to the Big Brother 17 spoilers from July 30, as the BB17 house voted 7-2 to evict Jason Roy. Austin Matelson, Clay, John McGuire, Liz Nolan, Shelli, and Steve Moses voted to evict Jason. James Huling and Meg Maley voted to evict Becky. Though Jason had made a late push to try to swing the vote in the house, it just wasn’t enough to save him in this game. Now Becky will stay in the house, possibly with her eyes open for the first time of the season. She has another number to work against, though, as the Twin Twist also just allowed Julia Nolan to enter the house.
Fans without the live feeds that are looking for results of the July 30 Head of Household competition, stay tuned as updates will be forthcoming through the night. These particular Big Brother 17 spoilers could also become very exciting if a houseguest from the “other side” of the BB17 house is able to final take away some of the power that Vanessa Rousso, Clay Honeycutt, and Shelli Poole have amassed.
In an update on the endurance competition, Steve Moses and Austin Matelson were the first two to fall out. They went down about 30 minutes into it. Meg Maley and Julia Nolan were the next two BB17 houseguests to fall out, going out about 45 minutes into the challenge. After more than an hour on the wall, there are quite a few houseguests that look like they could last a while in this endurance challenge. At about the 80-minute mark, Jackie Ibarra and Liz Nolan were eliminated. Not too much time passed before Clay Honeycutt and Becky Burgess fell off within a minute of each other.
Three people (Shelli Poole, James Huling, and John McGuire) were left competing for the power. James gave John safety to drop out, and it ended up working. Shelli then asked to be safe and also for James to say that Clay would be safe before she too dropped out. That resulted in James Huling becoming the Week 6 HOH. These Big Brother 17 spoilers certainly showed a lot of people who wanted to win this week.
[Image Source: CBS Big Brother Press Kit]