Big Brother 17 spoilers from Thursday night (July 2) include the Twin Twist. The BB17 house also has a new Head of Household, who took over the position after Jace Agolli was evicted. Jace became the first of the 16 houseguests to be evicted this season, following what can best be described as a rough first 14 days in the house. Additional Big Brother 17 spoilers will come out on Friday (July 3), when the next events take place inside the game. A report from fan site Big Brother Network reveals that Jace Agolli was evicted by a vote of 12-1.
It might be pretty unsurprising to Big Brother fans that Jackie Ibarra did receive a vote, but it didn’t come from Austin Matelson. Instead, it was actually Audrey Middleton that threw a wrench in the unanimous vote, selecting to vote against Jackie instead of with her original BB17 alliance. It was there where Jaces was told about the Twin Twist, shortly after CBS viewers did. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , the twins in the house are Liz and Julia Nolan. It wasn’t a surprise to anyone watching the live feeds, as it has been obvious for a while now.
A prior report on Big Brother Network revealed that the twins just need to survive the first five evictions in the BB17 house. Doing so will allow them to both participate in the game at the same time, even if they are discovered before the official revelation. Early Big Brother 17 spoilers indicated that Liz Nolan was playing with her twin sister, but CBS took its time revealing that she and Julia were part of the Twin Twist. Die-hard fans of the show will remember that this was done in the fifth season as well.
As for the Week 2 Head of Household competition, the houseguests were split into two groups before competing for the two spots. In the first round of a puzzle that had to be collected and assembled, Steve Moses and Vanessa Rousso took an early lead in the competition. They couldn’t get it completed quickly enough, though, and Becky Burgess ended up becoming the first new HOH of the night. Shortly after that, the second round took place, with Shelli Poole winning the other HOH key.
Becky and Shelli will have to decide on two nominees each, with them all competing in the Week 2 Battle of the Block competition. There should be new Big Brother 17 spoilers covering the nominations and results of the BOB heading into the weekend. It had seemed like Audrey Middleton might be the next target, but anything can happen in the BB17 house.
[Image Source: CBS Big Brother Press Kit]