Big Brother 16 viewers know that the finale is nearly here, and it’s far from certain who will walk away with the big prize. The final three contestants, Derrick Levasseur, Cody Calafiore and Victoria Rafaeli, seem to be engaged in a bit of last-minute campaigning to stay.
As viewers know, the final Head of Household will choose which of the three to send to jury on finale night. At the final two, jury members vote on who to award $500,000 and who to award second place, which nets $50,000. Third place gets nothing.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , live feed spoilers mean we already know who has won the first two parts of the final HOH competition. Part three and the final vote to evict will play out on finale night.
All along, Derrick Levasseur has worked hard to keep most players in his pocket. As a result, both Victoria and Cody assume he’s taking them to the final 2. Derrick has worked hard to convince Cody that taking Victoria is a poor choice should Cody get the final HOH crown. As the Big Brother Network Saturday live feeds reveal , Derrick reminded Cody the guys had an agreement not to take Victoria to the end.
And what of Victoria, the seemingly ultimate floater who appeared to treat Big Brother as a kind of vacation, staying in the house by being non-offensive and not a threat? The Inquisitr recently reported on one Big Brother commentator’s assessment of Victoria’s game . Some people claimed she figured out a whole new way to play: lay low, not just in the beginning, but right up until the end.
Once Derrick and Cody’s alliance was revealed at Caleb’s eviction , and Victoria learned she might not get that seat next to Derrick in the final 2, she seemed hurt and upset. Now CarterMatt and those Big Brother Network live feeds reveal she is actively trying to convince Derrick to keep her.
According to CarterMatt , this is upsetting to Cody, who thinks Derrick should tell her the truth and cut her loose. CarterMatt ‘s assessment is that Derrick has genuine feelings of friendship towards Victoria, but he perhaps hasn’t done enough jury management so that if he were to blindside Cody, the jury would still award him the top prize.
“[There were] those threats earlier in the game that whoever takes Victoria to the end should automatically lose, just based on principle. You’ve already got egomaniacs like Caleb and Frankie over on the jury, who are probably each having a very hard time dealing with the fact that she is still in the game.”
According to the Big Brother Network live feeds summary, Derrick told Victoria that there were in fact those threats made.
As for Victoria herself, she apparently tried to convince Derrick he would lose against Cody. This was an apparent attempt to get him to take her to the end. To remind Derrick of her loyalty, she said she could have revealed Cody and Derrick’s friendship to Frankie but did not do so.
Notably, Derrick told Cody that Big Brother production said he cannot tell Victoria what he’s going to do. He told Cody he wanted to tell her he wasn’t taking her, but he was not permitted to do so.
Whether that was a true statement or simply a way for Derrick to sidetrack the conversation is not clear.
The Big Brother 16 finale airs Wednesday night on CBS.
[Image: CBS / Big Brother ]