Joe Biden's Close Aides Share He May Consider to 'Step Down' By Next Week: "We Are in a..."

Joe Biden's Close Aides Share He May Consider to 'Step Down' By Next Week: "We Are in a..."
Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Kevin Dietsch

Former president Donald Trump is gaining ground following the first 2024 presidential debate. As per CBS News, at this moment, Trump leads President Joe Biden by three points in key battleground states and by two points nationally. Rumors have been floating in the Democratic circles that Biden is willing to 'step down' from the presidential race. As per The Daily Mail, the Democratic leader confessed to his close aides that he is considering 'stepping aside' as early as next week. A key ally told The NYTimes: "He knows if he has two more events like that [the debate], we’re in a different place." 



According to Biden's supporters, the president has quietly admitted that he needs to ensure his next appearances, including a Friday, July 4th, ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos and campaign trips in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, are successful. However, Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, stated that she was informed directly by the president that he had not discussed withdrawing from the race with any allies. “That is absolutely false,” she said during a press briefing. In a discussion with campaign staff, Biden assured them that he would still be running for president in 2024 despite growing calls for him to step down.



He said: "Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running - no one's pushing me out. I'm not leaving. I'm in this race to the end and we're going to win. If the New York Times had provided us with more than 7 minutes to comment we would have told them so." As per The NYTimes, later at the White House, Biden called on twenty Democratic governors to reassure them of his candidacy. After the tense meeting, Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York stated to the press that, “President Joe Biden is in it to win it, and all of us said we pledged our support to him.”



Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, the chair of the Democratic Governors Association also backed Biden saying: “He has had our backs through Covid, through all of the recovery, all of the things that have happened. The governors have his back, and we’re working together just to make very, very clear on that.” He added, “A path to victory in November is the No. 1 priority, and that’s the No. 1 priority of the president.”

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Alex Wong
Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Alex Wong


Democrats involved with the conversation claim that major party donors have been discreetly contacting senators, House members, super PACs, the Biden campaign, and the White House to express their opinion that the president ought to resign. Biden was urged to give up his top spot on the ticket by Reed Hastings, the co-founder of Netflix and one of the largest funders to the Democratic Party in recent years. “Biden needs to step aside to allow a vigorous Democratic leader to beat Trump and keep us safe and prosperous,” he said in an email.

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