An amusing scene unfolded in the Manhattan courtroom this week as former President Donald Trump appeared to nod off repeatedly during the high-stakes criminal proceedings against him. Journalists present in the room reported that his eyes closed, head drooped and mouth went slack at various intervals, seemingly unable to stay awake as his historic trial got underway. The Biden – Harris campaign seized the opportunity to mock Trump. They commented, “feeble and tired Donald Trump once again falls asleep in court.”
On Monday, the nation watched as the former president showed up at the New York courtroom to face charges related to the hush-money allegations of falsifying business records to hide his illicit affairs. The typically flamboyant Trump remained surprisingly subdued during the court proceedings. “Guilty criminals might fall asleep when caught due to exhaustion from stress, a sudden release of tension, or as a psychological defense mechanism to avoid immediate confrontation with their reality,” one person tweeted, while another wrote defending Trump, “It’s a waste of time and no one takes your kangaroo court seriously.” A third user echoed , “What else to do in that boring room?”
A feeble and tired Donald Trump once again falls asleep in court
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) April 22, 2024
Meanwhile, another user online warned , “I hope people are starting to recall how bad this guy’s presidency was, I fear that 2020 amnesia is real. My aunt watched a lifetime movie on family separation under the Trump admin.” Rep. Daniel Goldman also gave a statement on X which read, “Trump fell asleep at his OWN criminal trial . Imagine the nap he would take if he were in the Situation Room listening to a briefing that relates to…anything other than himself.”
I would fall asleep too if I had to sit through a witch hunt
— Brianna Price🇺🇸🦅 (@briprice661) April 22, 2024
Trump’s team argued that the allegations were ‘100% Fake News’ from journalists not even present in the courtroom. However, the reports were corroborated by multiple news outlets including The New York Times , which claimed Trump “appeared to nod off a few times,” adding that “his head droop[ed] onto his chest.” A source claimed that everything was created to demonstrate Trump’s lack of care. “He thinks it’s bulls–t, it’s boring, it’s not worth his time…It’s a ruse. Everything he does is calculated. He’s never fallen asleep. It’s not a thing he does.”
Meanwhile, thousands of young people across the country fall asleep daily in class, at work and especially in court. Your point?
— Timothy Kashin (@TJKashin) April 22, 2024
New York state court law dictates that cameras are not allowed in the courtroom, forcing Americans to rely on journalist Maggie Haberman and a select group of reporters who have been allowed inside the courtroom. According to CNN, photographers are only permitted in the courtroom for a small time frame at the beginning of the day, but no indisputable evidence will emerge as the sole images from within the courtroom will come from a sketch artist who is entrusted with capturing the facial expressions of Trump and the legal teams.