Bianca Censori was said to have been enraged with her husband Kanye West following his foray into the adult film industry. The former Yeezy designer was allegedly upset about Ye’s latest career decision, especially after she perceived him to be ‘parading her around naked’ for the past many months. Last month, West announced on Instagram , since deleted, that “Yeezy P-rn” was coming soon. Subsequently, his account appeared to be deactivated.
Kanye West reportedly plans to launch ‘YEEZY P*RN’
— Daily Loud (@DailyLoud) April 24, 2024
West is said to be engaged in ‘casting and art direction’ for this project, as per TMZ ‘s report. Additionally, it was indicated that the Yeezy brand would be launching a ‘wider adult entertainment division.’ However, according to a source, Censori was worried that she may be pressured to appear in these films. As per a source quoted by InTouch , “She’s freaking out and with good reason. Kanye’s been strutting her around and dressing her like she’s a p-rn star, and now she knows why!” The insider also claimed it to be the ‘last straw’ for Censori.
“Bianca went along with him parading her around like she was in some kind of freaky fashion show because she thought it could turn her into a star, but skin flicks are beyond the pale,” they added. “She’s already got all the notoriety she needs from him, and her friends say she’s ready to walk.” If certain reports are to be believed, then Ye has apparently wanted Censori to feature in a pornographic film, but she has expressed her reluctance to be involved.
Kanye West’s diehard fans turn on him after “Yeezy Porn” announcement. Follow: @AFpost
— AF Post (@AFpost) April 25, 2024
P-rn star John Legendary also proposed that Censori’s bold fashion choices may be linked to a ‘publicity stunt’ associated with the Yeezy P-rn project. Legendary speculated that rather than releasing adult content, West might introduce a provocative clothing line with Censori serving as his ‘muse.’ Speaking to Mirror , he said, “I’m not sure if this is like a publicity stunt, or even something to get people excited and talking because it could be a branch to a fashion collection.” The adult star shared, “He’s been on record saying that s-x can inspire him. So I feel like p-rn, s-x, can inspire his creativity. It can inspire fashion. And so I really think it’s going to be something related to fashion.”
Bianca Censori dines with parents at Melbourne restaurant without husband Kanye West as she returns to Australia after family expressed fears rapper will ‘drag her’ into porn
— Rahmah Sanni (@SanniRahma61573) May 25, 2024
Legendary added, “When I think of the whole fashion aspect, when you see the transformation of Bianca his wife from how she used to dress to how she dresses now, it’s very bold and risqué and see-through and showing a lot of skin. And I’m sure he has a lot of influence on what she wears because she wears a lot of avant-garde pieces. So I’m wondering if Ye wants to do some kind of collection that resembles the clothing she wears. Because I’m sure he probably designed it or had some of his people design it.”
This article originally appeared 5 months ago.