Bernie Sanders has been declaring two wars in mid-September, and Jay Z started one of them.
The other war that Bernie Sanders is still waging involves begging his fans to not help Donald Trump get elected, but he might have gotten a victory in this department because Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are not going to be part of the presidential debates.
The Washington Post wrote on September 16 that Bernie Sanders’ worries have been ongoing in relation to the idea that his fan base will end up getting Trump elected because of their “protest vote” against Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders also begged his supporters in a speech at a Democratic Rally in New Paltz, New York, on September 16, not to vote for third party candidates like the Green Party’s Jill Stein or the Libertarian nominee, Gary Johnson.
This is not the first time that Bernie Sanders has made a case against Jill Stein, and Atlantic wrote on July 28 at the end of the Democratic National Convention that Bernie Sanders was fully supporting Hillary Clinton .
At that time, Jill Stein had 3 percent of the polls and 90 percent of Bernie Sanders supporters were saying they would support Hillary Clinton.
Fortunately for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, as of September 16, the official Commission of Presidential Debates (CPD) stated that Jill Stein and Gary Johnson did not make the required 15 percent cut to make the debates, according to New York Times .
Despite this, there are no indicators that Jill Stein or Gary Johnson will be forced to drop out of the 2016 presidential race, but they will not get the nationwide exposure the presidential debates bring.
Nevertheless, Bernie Sanders is still popular two months after conceding to Hillary Clinton, and there are still posts on Facebook with hashtags like ?#?BringBackBernie? and #?ComeBackBernie?.
These hashtags have been in circulation since Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race, but they were flaring up again in mid-September because voters were not sure if Hillary Clinton was sick , according to Huffington Post.
Regardless, one of the reasons that Bernie Sanders continues to be a big hit with a select group of voters is because he is actually representing the issues they are concerned about — and he even retweets some of their favorite celebrities.
For example, Jay Z recently collaborated with the New York Times on a video essay titled, “ The War on Drugs Is an Epic Fail .” The intro to that video stated “Why are white men poised to get rich doing the same thing African-Americans have been going to prison for?”
A common quote by BET and others is that Bernie Sanders retweeted Jay Z’s video about the War on Drugs with “ Jay Z is right : We have to end the war on drugs.”
However, Bernie Sanders went further with his attack on the War on Drugs by appearing to respond to Jay Z’s part of the video where he stated “The NYPD raided our Brooklyn neighborhoods while Manhattan bankers openly used coke with impunity.”
After announcing solidarity with Jay Z’s War on Drugs, Bernie Sanders tweeted a day later, on September 16, with “How many people at Wells Fargo are going to go to jail? Zero. But if you smoke marijuana in this country, you get a criminal record.”
Naturally, marijuana reform is a big issue with Bernie Sanders’ biggest fan base: The Millennials.
Bernie Sanders may actually be what the future looks like because he had a whopping 80 percent of the youth vote in some states and more young people under age 30 voted for him in America than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump combined.
Although most people of retirement age are not necessarily regular social media users, Millennials are delighted that Bernie Sanders “owns” Twitter , according to USA Today .
In the end, the real dream Bernie Sanders has is encouraging his supporters to run for local office. In his talks about “Our Revolution,” as previously reported by the Inquisitr , Bernie Sanders talked explicitly about how Debbie Wasserman Schultz needed to resign as Chair of the DNC before Wikileaks got her out of office for corruption.
Bernie Sanders’ main sticking point in getting rid of Debbie was the fact that there were not enough Democrats being supported to run for local office and even school board elections.
Bill Moyers exemplified this point in a story about how Republicans have a predominance “68 of the nation’s 99 state legislative chambers,” on July 27.
Voting Democrat may be more important than ever to regain control over congress from the Republicans, and Ballotpedia reports that “a total of 469 seats in the U.S. Congress (34 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) are up for election” on November 8, 2016.
[Featured Image by Darren McCollester/Getty Images]