Barack Obama's Kind Words to Diddy Come Back to Haut Ex-Prez Amid Racketeering Scandal

Barack Obama's Kind Words to Diddy Come Back to Haut Ex-Prez Amid Racketeering Scandal
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Rebecca Sapp

Trigger Warning: This article contains themes of sexual abuse that some readers may find distressing.

A past relationship between Barack Obama and Sean "Diddy" Combs could become a nightmare for the former US president. The 54-year-old record producer backed Obama's political career, from his time in the Senate to his historic presidential win in 2008. In fact, Diddy once admitted he was moved to tears after the 44th president took over the White House. "I was straight up crying. I just thank God my prayers were answered," the rapper exclaimed, as per PEOPLE. Obama reciprocated his warmth during MTV's interview in 2004, thanking Diddy for his campaign efforts, saying, "He doesn't have to do this." 


However, despite mutual admiration, the rapper later called out Obama for not doing enough for the black community despite securing the seat in the Oval Office. Page Six noted how Diddy told MSNBC in 2016, "I feel like we put President Obama in the White House. When I look back, I just wanted more done for my people."


The music mogul, who remained untouchable for years, eventually reached his downfall with the recent arrest on charges of sex trafficking, among others. While he's awaiting his trial behind bars, various politicians and celebrities, who once proudly associated themselves with Diddy, are now reportedly in a panic mode. Among the famous names are Donald Trump, Jennifer Lopez, and America's first black president Obama, per Nicki Swift.


Meanwhile, as Diddy's connection with Obama emerged, netizens on social media have been having a field day connecting the dots. For instance, @Gillis9Rose, on X, formerly Twitter, shared a photo of the two suggesting Diddy will be 'Epsteined,' and wrote, "I'm not surprised to see Obama involved with this!" 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Rebecca Sapp
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Rebecca Sapp

Another X user, @realQsource1_7_, opined, "No wonder Diddy avoided prosecution under Obama. No coincidences. Billionaire celebrities who traffic humans, commit violence, solicit bounties on their rivals (AND MORE) should not control our politics. Look at Obama's smile when Diddy offers him the Presidency (2004)." 


@MichaelJHarris9 wondered, "Since P Diddy got busted you see here Obama thanking him sometime in the past. Does Diddy's sex trafficking have a road to the White House?" An X account, @ShadowofEzra, weighed in, "Michelle Obama once praised Harvey Weinstein as 'a wonderful human being.' It's amazing how the Obamas have maintained such close relationships with individuals facing issues such as sexual assault and sex trafficking." 


The disgraced rapper has been charged with sex trafficking, racketeering conspiracy, and transportation for purposes of prostitution where he forced his victims to have sex with male prostitutes. The Justice Department has found a year-long scheme of planning and sexually abusing women in the guise of his billion-dollar business empire. And he could face a life sentence in prison if convicted of these crimes, per NBC News.

SEXUAL ASSAULT: If you are being subjected to sexual assault, or know of anyone who is, please call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673).

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