Barack Obama Was a Target in the KKK Assassination Plot That Was Stopped by an Undercover FBI Agent

Barack Obama Was a Target in the KKK Assassination Plot That Was Stopped by an Undercover FBI Agent
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Andrew Harnik

An undercover FBI agent Joe Moore in his recently released memoir has revealed how former President Barack Obama was once under the radar of a KKK attack. The assassination attempt by the white supremacist group however was foiled by him back in 2008. Moore infiltrated the Wayward, Florida, chapter of the KKK in 2007, impressing the Klansmen with an exaggerated military record as reported by the Daily Mail

Image Source: Getty Images |Photo by Ron Sachs-Pool
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Ron Sachs-Pool

The FBI agent then went on to bust the plan of the Ku Klux Klan community which wanted to assassinate the first American black President for his race. According to Moore, they identified the day, time, and location to act on the plan. The group also analyzed the then-Illinois senator's motorcade schedule and obtained .50-caliber rifles. The undercover agent who was acting as one of the close aides of the mastermind behind the assassination plan also disclosed that the group then decided that they would destroy the assassin's mode of vehicle to remove any traces of identity or links. The book White Robes and Broken Badges shared in an excerpt that the author was assigned with the duty to aim a shot at the Democrat politician given his reputation as an ex-army man.


"I had to follow [my orders] and do whatever it took to prevent the assassination of Barack Obama. Because I was the only one who could," he wrote. In an interview with Tonya Mosley as reported by NPR when asked how he infiltrated the oldest American hate group he said, "It certainly wasn't ideology because I don't espouse that mindset. For years in the military, I was a sniper. I was an infantryman. I was a sniper section leader. I had learned to train troops. I had learned to lead troops. And I think that when I walked in with my military bearing on full display, that sort of sold myself as a persona to Hawley as opposed to having to feel his mind and find out where I could fit into his mind. I essentially sold him on being someone that was capable."


Revealing he misled the brotherhood by sharing hoax information he said, "I said, 'Hey. What are y'all going to do about the drones?' And then they looked at me with a shocked face, and they looked at each other and looked back and said, 'Drones? What drones?' I said, '...Now that Obama is the candidate, he has an elevated level of Secret Service protection, and at this level, that includes drones. I didn't know it did, but they didn't either.' 


Moore underwent a method-acting-like state before going undercover for the hate group. He shared, "The deeper I became entrenched in the Klan, the more of a challenge it became to leave all that at the door when I went home to my wife and son. All I could visualize were members kicking in the door to come get me after learning my true purpose," in his memoir released in August 2024. 

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