Barack Obama Calls it a 'Bad Night' as Joe Biden Gets Slammed For Disastrous Debate

Barack Obama Calls it a 'Bad Night' as Joe Biden Gets Slammed For Disastrous Debate
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alex Wong; (inset) Photo by Kent Nishimura

While many Democrats questioned whether Joe Biden should be replaced after his dull performance during the 2024 presidential debate, former president Barack Obama defended him. "Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth, who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit," Obama penned on X. He asserted, "Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November."


Netizens weighed in on his passionate show of support. An X user wrote, "This is so embarrassing. We’ve never seen an entire party this level of damage control." Meanwhile, a concerned Democratic supporter, opined, "Mr. President…Coming from someone who was a lifelong Democrat who voted for you twice, it’s hard to convince me that everything coming from the current administration is the truth. I watched how this administration (with the help of the mainstream) pushed a false narrative as it relates to January 6th which destroyed thousands of lives. I watched how this administration did nothing to protect whistleblowers from multiple agencies that reported details of the J6 set-up and the cover-up that ensued afterward. I watch how this administration allows thousands of illegals to cross our southern border daily and force-feed hard-working and struggling Americans to pay for their food, lodging, and medical expenses."



In a similar vein, a netizen asserted, "Love you, President Obama. But you are dead wrong. Biden is a dishonest train wreck. He got up there last night and lied out of the gate. I never felt he was for the everyday American and last night proved that, as well as how bad of a shape he is in. There is no way Biden gets my vote. Trump is the better-suited of the two to run this nation. It’s not that I like him. I just believe he would be focused on what most Americans care about. And that’s...America." 


As the comments poured in, a user voiced, "You’re trying to force a man with a clear cognitive decline into office," while another criticized the 44th president for covering up Biden's mistakes. "Barack Obama will continue pulling the strings for Joe. That’s what he’s saying here. Which is ridiculous considering how Joe has clearly fallen apart and isn’t fit to serve."

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Hector Vivas
Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Hector Vivas

critic bluntly argued, "The world needs leaders from the 21st century, not the old men from the past." Meanwhile, an X user feared, "Keeping Biden on the ticket is going to get us a second Trump term." Reiterating similar sentiments, a netizen opined, "Here's Obama calling the shots again. I hope everyone sees what's happening here." 


As per The NY Times, Obama was speaking from experience as he too had to overcome a dismal debate performance to be re-elected in 2012. Obama, who presided over the country for eight years while Biden served as his vice president, was instrumental in uniting the party in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. Now, he's instructed Biden's team to propose a winning plan, fearing the repercussions should Biden lose to former president Donald Trump in November. 

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