Definitive spoilers regarding Peter Weber’s final pick for The Bachelor have yet to be pinned down, but that hasn’t stopped fans from digging and speculating. Over the weekend, a couple of airport spottings generated a lot of buzz across social media of who Peter will choose to receive his final rose. However, it’s too soon to know if this new rumor has any basis in reality or not.
Peter’s final rose ceremony was filmed last November in Australia, but spoiler fans still don’t know exactly what happened. Blogger Reality Steve has shared quite a few tidbits about what he does and doesn’t know, but he has admitted that he doesn’t have it all figured out either.
In the meantime, plenty of crazy theories have been floating around online as fans try to figure out who Peter picked. The Bachelor spoilers from Peter himself have teased that something unusual and emotional is ahead and he’s been confident that nobody will figure out the ending before the finale. So far, his prediction has been right.
However, this past weekend, the Atlanta airport set the stage for a new round of speculation. There appear to be numerous threads about this on Reddit , which has spilled over to other online sources as well.
Basically, it seems that The Bachelor contestant Hannah Ann Sluss was spotted at the Atlanta airport as she was flying with Delta Airlines. The buzz is that she was traveling from her home in Knoxville, Tennessee to go visit her grandparents, who live on St. Simons Island off the coast of Georgia.
Hannah Ann stopping over at the Atlanta airport wouldn’t necessarily be a big deal, especially since that is the main hub for Delta and she was seemingly heading to another part of Georgia. What got The Bachelor spoiler fans buzzing, however, is the fact that Peter supposedly was at the Atlanta airport over the weekend as well.
Of course, Peter is a pilot for Delta. So, again, his being at the Atlanta airport wouldn’t be unusual. However, the fact that both Peter and Hannah Ann were apparently seen there on the same day has sparked speculation that they spent the night in Atlanta together before heading to their respective destinations on Sunday.
Another thread on Reddit included some details about how Hannah Ann seemingly ran into some challenges as she supposedly was traveling on a companion or buddy pass and was wearing a casual tracksuit. Some airlines have pretty strict dress codes when friends or family are using passes acquired by employees and what Hannah was wearing is rumored to have been an issue.
It looks like fans were speculating that Hannah Ann was traveling on a pass from Peter. Some The Bachelor spoiler fans think this might be unlikely though. If Peter and Hannah Ann are together, they are supposed to be relying on ABC for travel arrangements and be careful to keep their relationship hidden.
If the two were together and tried to do this on their own, it seems like an awfully big risk to take. That would especially be the case if Hannah Ann ran into issues and there was something of a scene over it at the airport.
Based on Reality Steve’s existing spoilers for The Bachelor, it is possible that Peter and Hannah Ann are together. In fact, plenty of fans think that there are many signs pointing to this being the case.
Was this Atlanta airport situation just a quirky coincidence or something significant regarding Peter’s final pick being Hannah Ann? Answers aren’t available yet, but everybody will be anxiously watching to see what other The Bachelor spoilers emerge ahead of the upcoming March finale.