In a world of biased beauty standards, it seems perfect just isn’t perfect enough. Even young, popular, and beautiful women like Iggy Azalea feel immense pressure to question the uniqueness of their beauty, even to the point of getting plastic surgery . In an interview with Seventeen , Iggy came clean about the emotional turmoil concerning her self-image that lead to her plastic surgery.
“It’s no easy feat to live with your flaws and accept yourself—and it’s no easy feat to change yourself. Either way you look at it, it’s a tough journey.”
Azalea’s surgical enhancement included a nose job, some work on her chin, as well as breast implants. Iggy still can’t acknowledge her perfect looks, stating that social media has fueled her image insecurities.
“There’s so much more emphasis on taking pictures of ourselves and the ‘likes’ or people commenting on them… There’s a lot more pressure to look beautiful. Some days I just want to look like s*** and feel okay with that.”
Iggy proved her resilience when she revealed that she has come to accept what she identifies as “flaws.”
“things I dislike but I’ve learned to accept. It’s important to remember you can’t change everything. You can never be perfect.”
One thing that young beautiful women should come to understand is that there is no way to please everyone. Achieving perfectionist ideals is not only impossible, it is a growing and destructive trend, according to a ScienceNordic article on why women get plastic surgery . Associate Professor Gunn Pettersen, at the University of Tromsø, expressed a grave concern about society’s image ideals.
“Society today has a strong focus on appearance and perfectionism. Sometimes it can be good to focus on those who always do their best, but perfectionism can go on to become morbid and destructive.”
The Telegraph interviewed a surgeon who gave some insight as to what could possibly be going on in the minds of amazingly young and beautiful women, like Iggy Azalea, who undergo cosmetic surgery .
“…you’re talking about people who aren’t happy with themselves. If people aren’t happy they’re not going to make themselves happy by going through surgery.”
Despite what many articles seem to portray as a knife -happy Iggy, Azalea revealed an unusual strength and honesty in her revelation about the work she had done. Azalea seems to express that it’s healthier to accept who you are, even the parts you have chosen to change. Feeling the pressures of being between a rock and a hard place, she did the healthiest thing any woman in her position could do — confess to going under the knife.
“I’m not denying it. Denying it is lame. I don’t think you should be ashamed if you made a change to yourself, which is why I’ve spoken about the changes I’ve made.”
Azalea revealed during the interview.
With the growing trend in beauty modification by younger and younger women, Iggy gives self-conscious young ladies an,unbiased informative perspective. Though some may disagree, Iggy Azalea gives some pretty solid advice to young women considering the procedure.
“Your perception of yourself can change a lot over time, so I think it’s important to wait and make sure it’s the right choice. Plastic surgery is an emotional journey.”
[Photo by Ethan Miller / Staff / Getty Images]