Ashley Biden's Secret Lover Revealed, a Troubled Ex-Convict, She Found 'Calming' and 'Great Kisser'

Ashley Biden's Secret Lover Revealed, a Troubled Ex-Convict, She Found 'Calming' and 'Great Kisser'
Cover Image Source: (L) Getty Images | Photo by Anna Moneymaker | (R) Photo by Kevin Dietsch

Ashley Biden, daughter of President Joe Biden, had a passionate affair with Eric Dengler, a man with a troubled past who eventually died from a drug overdose. Ashley Biden, 42, who appeared at a Delaware court on Monday to support her half-brother, Hunter Biden, described Dengler as having 'style and swag' in her diary, which was later stolen and published online. She wrote, "He is a great kisser. And he is calming + sweet" according to Daily Mail.



In her diary, Ashley reflects on her early experiences with relationships, recounting how she was 'boy crazy' and had 'sex with friends at a young age.' During her time in rehab in 2019, she documented affairs with two men, including Dengler. Dengler, a 6'6" surfer from Stuart, Florida, was not highly educated but won Ashley over with his loving nature, despite his criminal background. He had spent six years in Florida prisons for robbery, drug trafficking, and theft. Dengler’s former acquaintances, however, remember him as a dangerous criminal who prioritized surfing and getting high as per BBC.



Tragically, Dengler’s lifestyle led to his death in April last year at the age of 39 from a drug overdose involving fentanyl, oxycodone, and morphine. Ashley’s diary also mentions another lover, a wealthy, married businessman she refers to as 'Kevin.' Both affairs occurred while she was in treatment for drug and sex addiction at a rehab center in Boca Raton, Florida. The authenticity of Ashley Biden’s diary has been confirmed in a court filing, adding weight to the revelations contained within.



Dengler's criminal activities included a prison stint at the age of 21 for drug trafficking and a disturbing incident in 2008 where he demanded money from his sister for drugs, later threatening her with his car. Julie’s ex, Rafael, recalled kicking Dengler out of the house due to his behavior. Dengler then attempted to run Rafael over with a car, narrowly missing the front door. Dengler was charged with aggravated assault and assault on a law enforcement officer, resulting in 15 months in prison. He later received an additional 3 months for a separate incident. Dengler, a habitual drug user, was found dead from a heroin overdose in April last year.



Ashley Biden described Dengler in her diary as refreshing and calming, detailing their budding relationship and her concerns about her father's presidential run affecting it. Ashley also wrote about her struggles with sex and drug addiction, childhood trauma, and infidelity. Her diary entries revealed deep personal issues, including questionable childhood experiences. Dengler’s mother refused to discuss his life or confirm any relationship with Ashley. Ashley Biden's diary details her tumultuous affair with Kevin, expressing regret over being a mistress and their mutual relapses into drug use. She described Kevin as addictive, noting their intense sexual connection but feeling used. Ashley listed the pros and cons of their relationship, highlighting issues like his marriage and lack of sobriety.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Kevin Winter
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Kevin Winter

Her diary also reveals a troubled marriage with her husband Howard, listing their incompatibilities and lack of intimacy. Although she briefly considered reconciling, she concluded the marriage was over. Despite this, they have not publicly filed for divorce. Ashley expressed lingering resentment towards Howard over his role in her brother Beau's medical treatment, feeling it damaged their relationship.


The President's daughter faced legal troubles starting in college. In 1999, she was arrested for marijuana possession but not prosecuted. In 2001, she was arrested for underage drinking and fined $125. In 2002, she was arrested for obstructing officers during a bar fight in Chicago. In 2020, she left her diary at a friend's house; it was found by Aimee Harris, who sold it to Project Veritas for $20,000. Harris was sentenced to a month in jail and three years of supervised release.

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