Time Warner Cable customers with Apple TV set-top boxes may soon be able to use their Apple TV in place of a traditional cable box.
According to a report from Bloomberg, the two companies are working towards a deal similar to the one TWC just announced with Microsoft and its Xbox Live Gold platform . The report suggests that Time Warner Cable channels could come to the Apple TV “within months.”
Apple is rumored to be working on a smart TV of its own, and Apple CEO Tim Cook recently said Apple has an “intense interest” in TV along with adding new movies and TV shows to its own platforms including new content via the iTunes store.
For Time Warner Cable, the move would mean the need for fewer cable boxes since customers can opt-in for Apple TV box use.
Apple could ultimately benefit by grabbing above the board contracts with cable, satellite, and TV providers as they gravitate towards the web. A recent rumor said HBO may soon allow non-cable TV subscribers to receive HBO shows on their mobile devices. Other providers have also expressed interest in internet-only subscriptions while Fox, ABC, NBC, and others have jumped over to Hulu and their own web broadcasting options.
Customers have been clamoring for “a la carte” ordering capabilities for years. and Apple TV could make that system a reality. As it currently stands. customers can pay more than $100 per month to subscribe to pricey cable TV and satellite stations, oftentimes paying for channels they don’t want and will likely never watch.
Time Warner Cable and Apple TV has not yet acknowledged that a deal is in the works.
Will you be ditching your traditional and dated Time Warner Cable box and instead use your Apple TV to access Live-TV if the deal is finalized?