'Another "Cheap Fake" Video': Biden Mocked by Trump Campaign Over Footage of Getting Into SUV

'Another "Cheap Fake" Video': Biden Mocked by Trump Campaign Over Footage of Getting Into SUV
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Tom Brenner; (Inset) Twitter | @RNCResearch

Donald Trump's campaign continues to follow suit by mocking President Joe Biden. This time, the POTUS was mocked for struggling to get into an SUV. The raw footage of Biden, who appears to be moving lethargically towards the car, has gone viral ever since it was highlighted. Addressing the claims, the White House has issued a statement clarifying that the clip was another 'cheap fake.'

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Justin Sullivan
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Justin Sullivan

Trump campaign advisor Chris LaCivita shared the clip and wrote in the post: "Here is another 'cheap fake' video." It also seemed to strengthen the argument that Biden is facing severe mental and motor lag. Besides, the claims about his being unable to act on time have led to an intense backlash from netizens. User @MiamiFarmer wrote, "We don’t even know how long it took!!! After 10 seconds into climbing in, it cuts off and he’s still halfway out." @Biden'sBrainCelI went on to mock the Prez by commenting, "They should’ve tossed him in like a side of beef."


User @LStargazer54 chimed in with the suggestion, "He appears very aged and slow-moving." Supporting similar claims, @GlammaSooz wrote, "He can’t even get into the vehicle without assistance." @DMestman82815 joked, "He has to go through all of that … to prepare for a 90-minute debate.. how does he survive an everyday event… who are they trying to fool….. will the real Joe Biden be there… (just joking) …."

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Amid the concerns by people for Biden, the Trump campaign continues to fuel the question of the President's well-being. In the recent Juneteenth celebration, clips of Biden appearing disoriented led to several questioning his sanity in public events. However, the White House has quashed all such claims.

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According to Daily Mail, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, "It's also very insulting to the folks, the viewers who are watching it. And so we believe we have to call that out. We've been calling it cheap fakes. That is something that came directly from the media outlets in calling it that, the fact-checkers calling it that. And so we're certainly going to be really, really clear about that as well. And calling it out from where we are, from where we stand."


The President's video showcased him standing aloof and frozen while other world leaders danced together in a concert at the White House. The President looked confused, while Jean-Pierre responded by saying, "The president stood there listening to the music, and he didn't dance. Excuse me. I did not know not dancing was a health issue," as he defended Biden, per Raw Story. In a similar instance, Biden stood frozen and confused at a recent fundraising event in California before being guided and taken off the stage by former President Barack Obama. Several supporters claimed he was waiting to acknowledge the applause and lauding the audience. Whatever the case, Biden's under constant watch, and each action is scrutinized amid the charged election season. 

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