It’s been three days since a massive tornado roared through the rural area of Beauregard, Alabama. The devastation it left behind was enormous and overwhelming. Twenty-three people lost their lives, some of the victims being only children. In addition, many homes were completely destroyed, leaving already grieving families to pick up the pieces. Even in the wake of so much heartbreak, some good samaritans have shown that there is still good in the world. Two anonymous corporations have volunteered to pay for the funerals of all 23 people who died, according to USA Today .
The two corporations will not reveal their name and don’t want to be thanked. They simply want to do what they can to help the many families that are hurting during this time. This is a gift that will provide enormous financial relief for those who have lost loved ones and will allow them to grieve with less stress.
The county sheriff, Jay Jones, took to Facebook to thank the kind individuals for their generosity.
“What a wonderful blessing this will be for the families who have lost loved ones! To these corporations we thank you!”
The piles of rubble and destruction in this county is so vast that for days not every missing person had been located. The sheriff says that as of Wednesday, those unaccounted for are now down to a handful. They are hoping that those who are missing will soon contact their family and loved ones to verify their safety. In the meantime, the county’s goal is to soon focus their attention away from search and rescue and concentrate on recovery and rebuilding.
Anonymous donors will pay for the Alabama tornado victims’ funerals
— Pattilynn Guilford (@PattilynnG) March 7, 2019
President Trump has expressed his condolences to the people of Beauregard and plans to visit the area later this week to aid in recovery efforts.
Governor Kay Ivey is grateful for the president’s support and will be soon taking a tour of the area to survey the damage.
“President Trump has been very gracious and pledged his unwavering support to Alabama since the devastating storms and tornadoes struck Alabama over the weekend,” Ivey stated.
County coroner Bill Harris released the names of those killed by the deadly storms on Tuesday. The youngest victim was 6-years-old and the oldest was nearly 90. While the majority of the victims were killed by blunt force trauma to the head due to flying debris, some were thrown from their homes in the extreme winds.
The state of Alabama is coming together during this time to find hope in a place of much darkness.