A new study has just suggested that a strange “dark fluid” of negative masses may account for much of the matter in the universe that continues to mystify us.
As Oxford University astrophysicist Jamie Farnes has put it, the most succinct theoretical model can only account for five percent of what we see in the universe. The remaining 95 percent of it is strictly invisible and has been referred to as either dark matter or dark energy.
According to the Conversation , these two dark substances cannot be seen and it is only through gravitational effects that they can even be detected. While dark matter is indeed invisible, it nevertheless unleashes a tremendous amount of gravitational effect on other matter around it, and it is this matter which physicists are able to measure. Dark energy is another mysterious phenomenon which is believed to be responsible for the super-fast acceleration currently taking place in the universe.
However, according to exciting new research conducted by Farnes, it may be that this dark energy and dark matter are all part of just one single entity, and this entity has been referred to as dark fluid.
“In the new study, I propose a modification to Einstein’s theory of general relativity to allow negative masses to not only exist, but to be created continuously,” said Farnes.
In a 3D computer model that Farnes built, he was able to demonstrate that in a hypothetical universe the repulsive force that emanates from dark fluid should be able to hold galaxies together.
“The gravity from the positive mass galaxy attracts negative masses from all directions, and as the negative mass fluid comes nearer to the galaxy it in turn exerts a stronger repulsive force onto the galaxy that allows it to spin at higher speeds without flying apart. It therefore appears that a simple minus sign may solve one of the longest standing problems in physics.”
It is believed that this insightful new study on dark fluid may finally resolve the many questions today that revolve around modern physics. After all, while string theory makes sense to many theoretical physicists, observational evidence suggests that it may not be the solution to reconciling quantum physics with Einstein’s vision of the universe. On the other hand, in string theory, all of the energy that is found in empty space is supposed to also be negative, which works well with the new dark fluid theory.
Dark fluid may also help physicists to better understand the expansion of the universe. Because while far-flung galaxies appear to be accelerating much faster than closer ones, sometimes the measurements that are taken of the expansion of these galaxies do vary, which is puzzling to physicists. However, according to Farnes, the dark fluid theory could account for this.
“Fortunately, a negative mass cosmology mathematically predicts that the Hubble constant should vary over time. Clearly, there is evidence that this weird and unconventional new theory deserves our scientific attention.”
The new study on how dark fluid could account for the majority of the universe has been published in Astronomy & Astrophysics .