In a strange twist for the popular reality show, Amy Slaton and Chris Combs recently went on a genealogical journey that promised to reveal some unexpected insights into their family’s past. The dynamic sibling duo, known for their remarkable weight loss journeys, decided to investigate whether they might have a connection with British royalty —a quest that turned out to be both hilarious and enlightening.
Combs was skeptical right from the start about the investigation. “There’s no way in hell we are kin to the Queen of England,” he said. “We’re just good old country people.” His sister Amy plunged deeper into the exploration with sheer ecstasy, exuding her earnest interest in history. Finally, they met with family genealogist Vickie Fields, who put the short answer across their kingly dreams quite succinctly. Although they wouldn’t be any long-lost aristocrats, the siblings did learn a thing or two about their ancestry that was just as cool: Fields traced their ancestry to Hugh Kirkwood, a daredevil who made his way across the United Kingdom in the 1700s and became a member of the Revolutionary War, as per E! News .
“I’m a pedigree b—h!” Amy exclaimed; all her humor was right on. Amy pointed out that it explained why her family fights and joked, “No wonder why we always fight. We come from a long line of soldiers.” Her love for historical figures like Harriet Tubman and Maya Angelou made this personal history lesson even more meaningful. The bombshell of discoveries was when Fields presented that Amy could potentially be accepted into the Daughters of the American Revolution. It is an exclusive organization dedicated to descendants of patriots who fought for independence. Since Amy has been given a unique link to American history, she can now participate.
Beyond the genealogical investigation, this episode went further in showcasing the stunning personal achievements of Amy and her siblings. The latest shoe shopping for high heels that Amy did was definitely more than attaining any fashion feat; this was about the new confidence and freedom she’d found. “It’s registering that I have lost weight, and I’m not going to break the damn heel,” she tearily shared. “When you lose weight, you’re not only losing it in your belly, your legs, your boobs, your ass, you’re losing it everywhere,” she candidly said, according to InTouch Weekly .
Her sister Tammy Slaton has also been doing great and has lost an inspiring 500 pounds to date. The transformation for the 1000-lb. Sisters have indeed been overwhelming. The show started when Amy and Tammy weighed 1,000 pounds combined, with health challenges so huge that nobody could think it could ever get any better. But these two sisters have shown through resolve and persistence that nothing is standing in the way of reaching an objective that seems impossible to accomplish.