On tonight’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy , the show finally revealed the fate of Alex Karev after he mysteriously stopped returning everyone’s phone calls, reports TVLine .
Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Thursday night’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy .
A couple of months ago, Justin Chambers shocked fans of Grey’s Anatomy when he revealed that he would not be returning to the show that he called home for the last 16 years. His final episode aired on November 14 and saw Alex defending Meredith in court.
After that, Alex left to take care of his mom in Iowa before he started dodging calls from his wife and everyone else who tried to get in touch with him — including best friend, Meredith. He claimed that he was struggling with something and needed to take time to figure things out.
In tonight’s episode, titled “Leave A Light On,” the medical drama finally divulged how Alex would be permanently written off of the series. While in Iowa, he reunited with his ex-wife, Izzie Stevens (originally played by Katherine Heigl), who had been secretly raising his twin sons for the last several years. Alex decided to leave behind his life in Seattle, including Jo, and stay with Izzie to raise his children.
Needless to say, fans are not happy about this development. Many people feel betrayed and blindsided by the writers for their sudden decision to bring someone back into Alex’s life that abandoned him 10 seasons ago.
To add salt to the wound, Alex had promised Jo to remain by her side and marry her again earlier this season, making his sudden decision to leave her behind a hard pill to swallow.
Some fans have even gone as far as to say they would rather Alex have been killed off than to see his characterization butchered in this manner. Dozens of people promised to quit watching the show. It’ll be interesting to see if the ratings dip at all in the coming weeks.
“[A]lex karev really had one of the best character developments on television, just for him to leave to his wife and best friend without notice to get back with his ex wife, izzie, who literally did the exact same thing to him. smells like bullsh*t to me,” tweeted one angry fan.
“This is worse than Derek Shepherd being killed off. This is abandonment of a character that has been through hell and back and who GREW from it. A character that is now inflicting intentional pain on his fragile wife. Alex Karev would NEVER have done this. Never,” wrote another user.