Saturday Night Live actor Alec Baldwin entered a plea of guilty in the harassment of a man during a parking space dispute in November of 2018. The deal involves no time behind bars, but it does have Baldwin taking responsibility for his part in the altercation over a parking spot in New York City.
PageSix reports that Baldwin showed up in court this morning to enter a guilty plea to second-degree harassment of Wojciech Cieszkowski — a man who Baldwin allegedly slapped while arguing over a parking space that he asserted was his. Baldwin has agreed to take anger management classes, and to pay a fine of $120.
The prosecutor, Ryan Lipes, released a statement explaining how they reached their decision to offer a plea deal.
“We have had an opportunity to review video surveillance in this case, speak with the witnesses, review the medical records and speak with the victim. Given that Mr. Baldwin does not have a criminal record, we are prepared to offer a harassment violation in the second degree with the condition that he completes the short anger management program.”
Baldwin was initially facing the charge of assault and harassment after he tangled with the victim on November 2 over a parking spot.
Prosecution Cuts Deal in Alec Baldwin’s Criminal Assault and Harassment Case
— TMZ (@TMZ) January 23, 2019
At the time of the skirmish, the actor would not admit to hitting Cieszkowski, but he did tell police that he might have pushed him.
“He’s an as*****e. He stole my spot. I did push him.”
The details in the case are sealed, according to Baldwin lawyer Alan Abramson — and his client will have to complete anger management classes by his next court date in March.
At the time of the altercation, the victim spoke briefly with the press. He would only say that he was “sore” from their meeting, but acknowledged that he’d be okay, says the Inquisitr . Cieszkowski, an avid runner, survived the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing with a respectable completion time. This is his first time making national headlines.
Witnesses supported the victim’s telling of events.
“Yelling escalated to shoving, and finally the tantrum-throwing thespian, 60, allegedly belted Cieszkowski.”
Over the years, Baldwin has had some public arguments with his ex-wife, Kim Basinger, and his daughter, Ireland Baldwin — including a very public answering machine message in which he called the latter a pig.
Since the election of Donald Trump, Baldwin has also had a public falling out with his brother, Stephen, over the younger Baldwin’s support of the president.