Raw Story reports that Alec Baldwin called his brother, radio host Daniel Baldwin , on Syracuse’s TK99 while in character as President Donald Trump to complain about the actor’s portrayal of him on Saturday Night Live.
Alec used his brother’s show to respond (posing as Trump) to a real, early Friday morning tweet by the actual Trump that complained about Baldwin. The original tweet, which was removed and corrected minutes after posting, contained multiple misspellings.
“Alex [sic] Baldwin, whose dieing [sic] mediocre career was saved by his impersonation of me on SNL, now says playing DJT was agony for him. Alex, it was also agony for those who were forced to watch. You were terrible. Bring back Darrell Hammond, much funnier and a far greater talent!”
On his radio show, Daniel Baldwin announced he had a special caller, which turned out to be Alec as Trump going on a rant against — yes, you guessed it — Alec Baldwin.” Still in character, Baldwin then proceeded to praise Trump supporter Stephen Baldwin, saying “First of all, everybody knows that Stephen Baldwin is the best Baldwin, OK?” and calling him a great American.
Baldwin’s Trump wasn’t as nice to the rest of the Baldwin siblings as he disparaged Billy Baldwin, calling him a part of “the commie-lefty-pinko Baldwins” and Alec himself, whom he called “A third-world communist.” But the highlight of the call, which lasted a little over six minutes, was when Daniel announced he had his brother Alec “on another line.”
Daniel asked Alec, whom he called “Xander,” if he had any response to the attack from Trump. Alec answered with a demeanor that sounded surprisingly somber considering the comedic tone of the segment, although he repeated the joke where he tells Trump to ask Melania to stop calling him for tickets. Alec responded that he is doing his “civic duty” and all he cares about are families struggling to make ends meet, and how he worries about Trump’s “lack of empathy.”
Alec told Daniel that there were presidents prior to Trump who were rich and capable of showing empathy, such as Kennedy and both Bushes. This statement speaks volumes about how deeply Baldwin despises Trump, considering how much contempt Alec famously showed towards George W. Bush when he vowed to “‘raise as much money as I can’ to make sure he is only a one-term president.”
You can listen to the entire segment below via YouTube: