Super Tuesday 2 was a day that many thought would be a turning point for Bernie Sanders in the race to take the Democratic nomination. Four of the five states voting on Tuesday went in favor of Hillary Clinton, and it was not what a lot of people were hoping for or expecting. Missouri is still too close to call, but Sanders may lose that one too. Still, he won’t concede defeat and be called a loser while still having a plan to win.
While not all of the states were huge victories for Clinton, there was one that was almost a blowout: Florida. The Miami Herald reported that she celebrated the victory in West Palm Beach as her lead over Sanders continued to grow.

She was thrilled with the results of the primaries on Tuesday, and she immediately took her focus off the Democratic side of things and focused on Donald Trump .
“When we hear a candidate for president call for rounding up 12 million immigrants, banning all Muslims from entering the United States, when he embraces torture, that doesn’t make him strong, it makes him wrong.”
Clinton has not yet won the Democratic nomination, but she is in the lead as Bernie Sanders falls further behind in pledged delegates. Still, his campaign is saying that Super Tuesday 2’s losses do not put him out of the race, and he’s not yet ready to concede defeat.
North Carolina
- Hillary Clinton – 54.6 percent (WON)
- Bernie Sanders – 40.8 percent
- Hillary Clinton – 64.4 percent (WON)
- Bernie Sanders – 33.3 percent
- Hillary Clinton – 49.6 percent
- Bernie Sanders – 49.4 percent
Even with 100 percent reporting, it is currently being said that it is too close to call. According to the New York Times on Wednesday afternoon, Clinton leads by less than 1 point, or 1,531 votes. With it being that close in both the Democratic and GOP races, CNN said they will not project a winner in either side.
- Hillary Clinton – 50.4 percent (WON)
- Bernie Sanders – 48.7 percent
- Hillary Clinton – 56.5 percent (WON)
- Bernie Sanders – 42.7 percent
Politico says that Bernie Sanders is now going to rely on superdelegates even if he heads into the Philadelphia convention still behind his opponent. The next few weeks are going to be crucial, and Sanders’ campaign states that the upcoming calendar favors him.
Sanders had a lot of momentum in Florida even though he was beaten badly by Clinton, and it’s believed that he will use it in full force now. The superdelegates — 718 activists and elected officials who can vote however they please — could end up bringing Sanders right back into this race.
As of now, 467 of the superdelegates are pledged to Hillary Clinton and there are just 26 for Bernie Sanders, so there is a bit of a battle ahead of them. In pledged delegates, Clinton also has a 324-vote lead, but the next few weeks are going to tell a lot.
Tad Devine, Sanders’ strategist, believes that the fight will be difficult and bring about long hours, but they aren’t going to concede because the fight is not over.
“Our plan on this is we’ve got a long way to go, and we’ve got to demonstrate that Bernie’s the strongest candidate. We believe that slowly we can win support for people who aren’t for someone, or who are softly for her, and then we can reach out more.”
Coming up is Arizona, where Bernie Sanders just recently got one of the best endorsements he could possibly get. There are upcoming caucuses in Utah, Washington, Idaho, and Utah, and that is where the Sanders’ campaign is putting their attention and focus.
The 2016 presidential election is not quite here just yet, but there is a general idea of how things could possibly go. Bernie Sanders is going to rely on the superdelegates and hope they can get him right back into this race and overcome Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination.
[Photo by Ralph Freso/Getty Images]