James Woods has reportedly been banned from Twitter after a post advocating to “hang them all” in response to the Russia report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
The tweet that reportedly led to his ban read, “‘If you try to kill the King, you best not miss’ #HangThemAll,” and was posted on April 19. There has been no activity on Woods’ Twitter account since that day.
Woods’ ban sent shockwaves through right-wing news circles, with Breitbart posting in defense of the actor and writing in defense of the quote.
“The tweet was apparently in reference to the Mueller report, which found no conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. The quote is from Ralph Waldo Emerson and has been used in various forms in movies and TV shows like The Wire,” the Breitbart report noted. “Nevertheless, this post apparently met the threshold on Twitter for ‘abusive behavior.’”
But while the Breitbart report questioned why James Woods would be banned for quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson, it did not address what appeared to be the actual offending content of his post — the threat to “Hang Them All.” Many in far-right circles have advocated for former officials from the Obama White House to be executed on treason charges.
That sentiment had been pushed heavily by the online QAnon movement, which claims to be leaking insider information about how Donald Trump was secretly working with Robert Mueller to investigate Democrats for various offenses, including running pedophile rings.
The actor has been one of the most fervent backers of Donald Trump on the social media platform, often backing the president’s statements and taking aim at his perceived critics. The discipline had been previously announced by Woods’ girlfriend, Sara Miller, who lamented on Twitter that the social media platform did not inform his followers of the ban.
She went on to post an image from the email that Woods reportedly received, which said that his account had been locked for a violation of the site’s rule against abusive behavior.
Of course Twitter doesn’t inform his followers. @RealJamesWoods has received the following email: pic.twitter.com/2nnnVBVktQ
— Sara Miller-Woods (@Millerita) April 20, 2019
Twitter had already banned a number of other far-right figures who have used the platform to harass opponents and encourage violence against them, and James Woods had previously been disciplined for tweets that violated the site’s rules.
As the Daily Wire noted, Woods had been in “Twitter jail” earlier in the week for the tweet calling to “hang them all.”
There have been conflicting reports on whether the ban of James Woods is permanent, with some reporting that Twitter would reinstate his account if he were to delete the offending tweet.
Was just told by someone at Twitter that they won’t reinstate @RealJamesWoods account until he deletes the tweet they claim violates TOS. They say if he deletes it they will end his suspension.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) May 1, 2019
The news led to an outcry of support for Woods among right-wing circles.
But others on the left celebrated the news that James Woods had been banned from Twitter, with many saying it was long-coming given his apparent harassment and threats of violence against Donald Trump’s critics.