A fresh clip from Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood on July 19, introduces faded television actor Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his trusty sidekick and stuntman, Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt). The pair have always been a team until stunt coordinator Randy (Kurt Russell) threatens to get rid of Cliff during their comeback TV Western.
Rick tells Randy how much he wants to keep Cliff on the project, but the person who hires and fires the stunt performers isn’t having it. Whether or not Cliff gets to keep his job isn’t disclosed during this one-and-a-half minute clip, but the viewer is treated to a bit of insight into the three men’s characters, as well as to the times in which the action happens.
The clip’s only scene takes place in 1969 outside of Rick’s trailer as Cliff arrives on a golf cart and is greeted by Randy. Both guys have cigarettes hanging out of their mouths, indicating the action is taking place in a different time when everyone smoked whenever and wherever they wanted.
“So you still directing?” Randy asks.
“Still here,” Cliff answers.
After inquiring if Rick is inside the distinctively Streamline trailer, likely from the 1950s, Randy knocks on the porthole window at the entrance and climbs inside.
As the star buttons the cuffs of his formal white shirt, the two begin to banter.
Rick’s accent belies a slight southern drawl as he speaks, telling Randy to just put Cliff in the proper wardrobe so he is ready to work.
Randy’s excuses for why he does not feel comfortable doing this come fast and fake. He calls the wardrobe mistress a b*tch, indicating she’s hard to work with on every level. He also says he has to look after “his dudes,” indicating that Cliff isn’t one of them.
Still, he is Rick’s dude. The actor playing an actor tells the stunt coordinator that he can do anything with his guy.
“Throw him off a building. Light him on fire. Hit him with a Lincoln. Use your imagination. He’ll be happy for the opportunity.”
But Cliff stands firm.
“Rick. I don’t dig him. And I don’t dig the vibe he brings on the set,” he says.
At that point, the new clip from Once Upon A Time In Hollywood goes dark — thus also putting viewers in the dark on a number of levels.
Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood hits theaters on July 26.