Chanel West Coast said that her latest outfit on Instagram makes her “booty look cute.” The Ridiculousness star donned a bubblegum-pink bodysuit and was photographed from behind, as she flaunted her curves. Chanel looked towards the camera over her right shoulder as she wore a platinum blonde wig. Her long curly hair offered a stark contrast to the rest of her outfit, which also included a pair of pink heels.
Fans let her know that she looked “stunning” and “beautiful,” while others complimented her outfit.
Chanel’s well-known for her role on Ridiculousness , where she’s one of the main personalities that comment on funny videos.
A year ago, Chanel shared with fans some of her views on love, according to InTouch .
“I’ve always been interested in finding love. I’ve always been a relationship type of girl, but my love life hasn’t been working out very well. And right now, I like being independent.”
The TV star and rapper also revealed the following.
“So I’m kind of just focusing on my career now. I feel like it’s a sign from God to focus 100 percent on my career and stop worrying about trying to find love at all.”
Since then, there hasn’t been much known publicly about Chanel’s love life.
As of late, Chanel’s been pretty busy putting on shows. Her Insta stories have been filled with video clips of different shows, including one where she appeared wearing a sexy Tin Man outfit. Also, West Coast wore a colorful tube top and skirt another night, and wore her hair in tight braids. She shared some close-up pics of both photos, which got a ton of love from her fans, some of which have commented on how they wish they could attend her show.
Chanel also made waves when she posted a series of three photos of herself modeling lingerie on a bed with roses.
And according to Wave3 , Chanel might also have gotten some cops in trouble. As strange as that may sound, after West Coast uploaded a YouTube video following a show, a Professional Standards Investigation was launched.
The offending video showed Chanel hanging out with a group of police officers, who may or may have not been on duty at the time. Chanel and her friend were videotaped goofing around in the back of the cop car, and even sitting in the front holding a pair of handcuffs. So far, there hasn’t been any updates on the result of the investigation.