The latest episode of One Piece anime, which is titled “Zoro, Stunned! The Shocking Identity of the Mysterious Woman!,” finally revealed the real identity of Komurasaki. When the One Piece Wano Arc started, Komurasaki was only known as a courtesan and the most beautiful woman in the Land of Wano. However, it turned out that she really came from the bloodline of the family that once ruled the entire country .
One Piece Episode 935 showed Komurasaki and Toko bringing Straw Hat Pirates vice-captain Roronoa Zoro to a safe house after he lost consciousness at the Bandit’s Bridge in Ringo. During his fight with Kamazo, the assassin sent by Shogun Kurozumi Orochi to kill the two girls, he suffered a massive wound in his shoulder and lost lots of blood. Luckily, when he fell to the ground, Komurasaki and Toko immediately headed toward his location and saved him.
They carried his injured body to an abandoned house in the Northern Graveyard in Ringo. When he woke up, Pirate Hunter quickly stood up to continue looking for the giant samurai that stole his black sword, Shusui. However, Komurasaki stopped him and told him that his wound is not yet fully healed. Pirate Hunter was hesitant to stay at first, but he later agreed after learning that he could easily find Gyukimaru by returning to the Bandit’s Bridge.
While they were having a meal, the Straw Hat Pirates vice-captain had a conversation with Komurasaki where the latter narrated why they were being chased by Kamazo. After realizing that Pirate Hunter is someone that she could trust, Komurasaki decided to tell him a secret. While disguised as a courtesan, she said she was looking for a family member that was separated from her 20 years ago.
Though she still hasn’t seen him, she believes that his brother has already returned to the Land of Wano. Komurasaki revealed that his brother’s name was Kozuki Momonosuke and her real name is Kozuki Hiyori. While Momonosuke traveled into the future, together with the loyal servants of his father, Lord Kozuki Oden, Hiyori stayed with his mother and patiently waited for the exact date that they would have their revenge against Shogun Orochi and Emperor Kaido.
Zoro’s eyes grew big after hearing her story. After learning her relationship with Momonosuke, he had more reason to stay and protect Komurasaki and Toko. However, before bringing her to their hideout, it is highly likely that the Straw Hat Pirates vice-captain will try to find Gyukimaru first and reclaim his sword.