One Piece Chapter 985 has yet to be officially released, but big spoiler rumors are already surfacing on the web. According to spoiler rumors posted on Reddit , the upcoming chapter of One Piece will feature Beast Pirates captain and Emperor, Kaido, betraying his close ally and the shogun of the Land of Wano, Kurozumi Orochi. The spoiler rumors posted on Reddit also revealed Emperor Kaido’s plan to make his daughter, Yamato, the new shogun of the Land of Wano and the main purpose of his newly-formed alliance with Big Mom Pirates captain and Emperor, Charlotte Linlin.
One Piece Chapter 985 is also set to feature information about the New Onigashima Island Project. When Emperor Kaido made the announcement in the previous chapter, Shogun Orochi was confused and didn’t seem to have any idea what the Beast Pirates captain was talking about. In the spoiler rumors, it’s revealed that Shogun Orochi is no longer part of Emperor Kaido’s plan for the Land of Wano.
From the start, Emperor Kaido considered Shogun Orochi useless. After knocking Shogun Orochi out, Emperor Kaido revealed his plans to his subordinates. With Orochi already out of the picture, Emperor Kaido said that he would soon name Yamato as the new shogun of the Land of Wano.
Emperor Kaido is planning to make the entire Land of Wano the fortress of the Beast Pirates/Big Mom Pirates alliance and move Onigashima to the Flower Capital. Emperor Kaido is also planning to build more factories in the Land of Wano and enslave all their citizens. He wants to turn the Land of Wano into a lawless zone where they would stage a war against the entire world.
In the upcoming chapter of One Piece , Emperor Kaido will also reveal the main reason why he formed an alliance with Emperor Big Mom — to get all the Ancient Weapons and the world’s greatest treasure, One Piece. With the help of Emperor Big Mom, the Ancient Weapons, and One Piece, Emperor Kaido plans to start the greatest war the world has ever seen.
According to the spoilers rumors posted on Reddit , One Piece Chapter 985 would also feature storylines about Straw Hat Pirates captain, Monkey D. Luffy, and Yamato. Yamato is set to reveal how she met former Whitebeard Pirates second-division commander, Portgas D. Ace, and what they did in the past. Like Otama, Yamato had also expressed her desire to board Ace’s ship and leave the Land of Wano.
Yamato will also talk about her childhood. The spoiler rumors posted to Reddit indicate that Yamato will reveal that Emperor Kaido was the one who put the exploding handcuffs on her when she was eight years old. Luffy will help Yamato remove the handcuffs. After being freed, Yamato will offer to help Luffy take the head of his own father, Emperor Kaido.