Kate Hudson gave her 10.5 million followers on Instagram a treat on Friday night when she shared an adorable new photo of her 8-month-old baby daughter, Rani Rose. In the photo, Rani is sitting in a stroller as she peeks out from behind a huge fan that she’s holding in front of her.
The photo caused several of Kate’s fans to gush over how cute she is.
“Woo yummy baby feet,” wrote one fan.
“Omg she is so cute I can’t take it,” another follower commented.
Others speculated that the actress and her daughter might be in New Orleans because of the miniature houses behind Rani. But Kate didn’t tag the location where the photo was taken.
It’s clear that Kate is delighted with her daughter as she’s been regularly popping up on the Almost Famous actress’s Instagram. In the previous photo, Rani is posing in her crib in a red-and-white patterned dress surrounded by colorful toys.
The praise on that post was just as effusive.
“I just can’t deal with how cute she is. In love,” one person said.
The commenters also seemed divided on which of her parents Rani resembled the most. Some said she looked more like the actress’s boyfriend, Danny Fujikawa, but others were team Kate. But a couple of commenters took the middle ground.
“She is exactly the best blend of you both!!!” a fan wrote.
Rani is Kate’s first daughter. She has two brothers named Ryder Robinson and Bingham Hawn Bellamy. But Kate recently made waves when she said that she was trying to give her baby a genderless upbringing.
“[Having a daughter] doesn’t really change my approach, but there’s definitely a difference,” she said in an interview with AOL. “I think you just raise your kids individually regardless — like a genderless [approach]. We still don’t know what she’s going to identify as.”
She went on to add that Rani has been expressing more feminine energy when compared to her sons.
“I will say that, right now, she is incredibly feminine in her energy, her sounds and her way,” Hudson said. “It’s very different from the boys, and it’s really fun to actually want to buy kids’ clothes.”
As USA Today reports, Kate later clarified the comments after the word “genderless” caused a stir on social media.
“Recently someone asked me something along the lines of, if having and raising a girl is different from boys. My response was simple. Not really,” Hudson wrote on Instagram. “This whole click bait tactic of saying I’m raising my daughter to be ‘genderless’ is silly and frankly doesn’t even make sense.”