The family of Jennifer Strange, the Rancho Cardova, CA woman who died after consuming massive quantities of water in an ill-conceived radio station contest, has been awarded $$16,577,118 in damages.
Strange, 27, attempted to win a Wii gaming console for her three young children in KDND 107.9 “The End” radio station’s “Hold Your Wee for a Wii” contest. Strange, who came in second place and complained of stomach and headaches toward the end of the stunt, was found dead in her home by her mother hours after she returned home. At one point during the contest, a nurse called in to warn show hosts of the risk of death by water intoxication, but staff laughed off the concerns and referred to waivers signed by contestants- despite the well-known risk of death from “water poisoning.”
A jury found Entercom Communications to be negligent in death of Strange, and that the radio station ignored several indicators that the contest was ill-advised and potentially lethal.
[Baltimore Sun]