Krispy Kreme Talk Like A Pirate Day 2013 is upon us and free donuts are being offered as booty.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , even a pirate probably wouldn’t eat a Krispy Kreme sloppy joe sandwich .
Another free (and probably healthier) meal became the talk of the town this past week. The Chick Fil-A free breakfast promotion had everyone rushing to get into line. Unfortunately, that promotion was reservation only so now your only option is to turn to a life of pirating and snag some free donuts.
The Krispy Kreme Talk Like A Pirate Day 2013 promotion is being offered in two ways. The first option is one free Krispy Kreme donut for simply walking into the store and saying a pirate phrase like blow me down, heave ho, landlubber, sea dog, thar she flows, or the famous chant of Yo Ho Ho!
But Krispy Kreme Talk Like A Pirate Day 2013 wouldn’t be as fun without the second option. If you show up at Krispy Kreme dressed up as a pirate you’ll receive a full dozen donuts for free! To qualify for this boot you’ll need at least three costume items to qualify as a full pirate, which include pirate hats, shirts, bandannas, eye patches, peg legs, parrots, and knickers. Would-be pirates will need to leave weapons like rapiers and daggers at home, although a costume hook hand is the exception.
Talk Like A Pirate Day was created by John Baur (Ol’ Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (Cap’n Slappy) and it’s celebrated on September 19 every year. Summers says a racquetball game resulted in a sports injury, with one of them reacting to the pain with an outburst of “Aaarrr!” Thus, Talk Like A Pirate Day was born.
That fateful racquetball game took place on June 6, 1995, but out of respect for the observance of D-Day, Talk Like A Pirate Day was first celebrated on Summers’ ex-wife’s birthday. This inside joke between two friends grew to be nationally known when the pirating pair sent a letter about their invented holiday to humor columnist Dave Barry. The rest is histaaaarrrry!
On Talk Like A Pirate Day, even Facebook celebrates by allowing everyone to change their page to Pirate-speak. Any time of year, but especially on September 19, click on your Facebook account settings, go to the general account settings, and then click on “language.” Choose “English (Pirate)” and watch all your Facebook friends turn into a bunch of scurvy dogs.
How do you plan on dressing up for Krispy Kreme Talk Like A Pirate Day 2013?