On Tuesday, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and her close friend Deena Cortese shared a photo of themselves to Instagram. While the two look adorable with Snooki showing off her baby bump and Deena showing off her post-baby body, not everyone had positive things to comment on the photo.
According to Life & Style , some fans took to the comments to accuse Deena of looking different and suggested she had plastic surgery. Being a good friend, Snooki jumped right in and slammed the commenters, saying, “Calm down.”
Although Deena didn’t need to respond to the ridiculous accusations, she chose to take to the comments and respond to Snooki’s defense saying, “Love you!! My face looks weird here because of the lighting. Let’s get a better picture tomorrow.”
As previously reported by Inquisitr , Snooki and Deena met up recently and decided to take a photo together. In the photo, Snooki wore a gray dress with tall boots and is cradling her growing baby bump. Deena is wearing an all-black outfit and looks spectacular after giving birth to her son just three months ago.
Deena shared another photo of herself with Snooki. The two appear to be in a candy store, and Deena is touching Snooki’s baby bump as both women look at the camera, smiling.
It is clear that these two are pretty good friends outside of filming for Jersey Shore: Family Vacation . It was on the first Jersey Shore show that the two met. Both appeared on the show before it was canceled. Recently, the show was brought back as Jersey Shore: Family Vacation and includes not only Snooki and Deena but also most of the original cast. Of course, a lot has changed for the cast members.
Snooki now has two children, a 6-year-old son and a 4-year-old daughter. She is pregnant with another son and reportedly will give birth sometime in June. The reality show star hasn’t revealed any names that she and her husband are considering for their son.
Deena, on the other hand, is a mom of one. She gave birth to her first son, Christopher John, in January of this year. Since his birth, Deena has been sharing plenty of updates about her son on social media, and it is clear she loves being a mom.
Jersey Shore: Family Vacation is set to come back for Season 3 on MTV. It is unclear when the show’s new season will premiere on the network.