The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Spider-Man: Homecoming premieres in the U.S. today (July 7). It is also known that the film will feature a new Peter Parker of British descent and accent. The man behind the mask is Tom Holland, the young actor who played Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War and in the process got caught up between the two warring sides. Even though he has revived Peter Parker, this step has not come without struggles. Since Spider-Man’s personage is a little different than what comes more naturally to the new Peter Parker, in the sense that it leans toward a more American character, Tom Holland’s British accent has proven one hard and bitter pill for the young actor to swallow.
According to , Tom Holland has had to change his accent and make it more American. This has proved a bit too much for him. Holland has not yet become accustomed to speaking differently than his native accent, and as he has confessed, this change has been a problem as far as filming Homecoming is concerned.
During the promotional tour of Spider Man: Homecoming , the protagonist of The Impossible has explained to the BBC that he had to record certain scenes several times simply because he wasn’t able to get the accent just right. This apparently hampered the pace of development of the film. However, it is not like the Marvel team did not have a plan to counter this drawback. Director Jon Watts was well aware of the possibility that Holland’s British accent could pose a problem during the filming. This is why the director has kept the new Parker accompanied by an expert who advises and helps Holland pronounce certain words correctly and improve his accent in the process.
Spider-Man: Homecoming is expected to earn around $100 million in revenue within the first week of its premiere. Critics have already rated the film as “certified fresh” at 93 percent at Rotten Tomatoes. With such a promising start, the new Spider-Man film has raised a lot of eyebrows in anticipation. Fans will have to wait until 2018 to see Tom Holland and company again in Avengers: Infinity War and Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 .
[Featured Image by Jason Kempin/Getty Images]