United States Senate candidate Ted Cruz made a decisive statement about the Illinois election for the third congressional district. Cruz clearly told people not to vote for the official Republican candidate because he is “an avowed Nazi” named Arthur Jones.
Vanity Fair reports that Cruz tweeted out that residents of Illinois should vote, but not for Jones who has affiliated himself with the Nazi party for more than 40 years.
“This is horrific. An avowed Nazi running for Congress. To the good people of Illinois, you have two reasonable choices: write in another candidate, or vote for the Democrat. This bigoted fool should receive ZERO votes.”
Cruz included a Politico article about Jones which criticized the Republican party for allowing Jones to get this far. When the political outlet contacted him, he thought it was funny that he pulled one over on the party and the people of Illinois.
“I snookered them. [Jones said he ran against a] two-party, Jew-party, queer-party system.”
Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider decried Jones as a racist who is not good for Illinois.
“The Illinois Republican Party and our country have no place for Nazis like Arthur Jones. We strongly oppose his racist views and his candidacy for any public office, including the 3rd Congressional District.”
The GOP only wants you to vote for Nazis who don’t outright admit to being Nazis. Ted Cruz: ‘Vote for the Democrat’ over the GOP Nazi https://t.co/bADuV7wtVF via @politico
— Don Gookin (@DonGookin) July 1, 2018
Arthur Jones has done nothing to hide his Nazi links, even creating a website with a page dedicated to the denial of the Holocaust. Now, other Republican candidates who are said to be scared of having the Nazi stink rub off on them are making pronouncements against Jones, including GOP state Rep. David McSweeney.
“First, it’s morally wrong and I think it’s really harmful to the party. The guy’s a complete nutcase. He’s a Nazi. This is an absolute political disaster.”
Yet the deadline just passed for the state to register a third party candidate to potentially take votes away from Jones. The November race will only include Jones and Democratic Rep. Dan Lipinski vying for the office.
Arthur Jones is said to be thrilled and a bit surprised when he found out that the state of Illinois had not put forward a third party candidate.
“They didn’t put up a third-party candidate? That’s great! That’s fantastic!”
The Republican party is facing additional criticism for not doing more to dissuade Jones or find any other candidates to run against him. Steve Sheffey, a pro-Israel activist, said that Illinois Republican candidates need to be asked who they will vote for if they live in the Third Congressional District.
“From now on, at every forum, at every endorsement session, Illinois Republicans should be asked point blank: ‘if you live in the 3rd Congressional District, who would you vote for Dan Lipinski or Arthur Jones?”