Suzanne Morphew, a mother-of-two from Colorado , has been missing since Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 10. As the weeks continue to pass by and there is still no sign of her, all her family can do is cling to hope that she is alive and will come home safely, according to The Daily Mail .
Morphew is 49 years old and went missing while on a bike ride by herself. Her two daughters were out of state on a trip at the time and became concerned when they could not get in touch with her. They eventually notified a neighbor who contacted the authorities.
In the wake of Morphew’s disappearance, a GoFundMe page was set up by her nephew, Trevor Noel, to aid in search-related efforts.
He recently provided an update regarding how the family is coping, acknowledging that they continue to attempt to remain positive. He also asked for prayers.
“Suzanne is still missing and the search goes on. Please continue to pray with us as we hold out hope for her safe return,” he wrote.
He went on to thank the many people who have donated, helped with the search effort, or sent uplifting messages their way during this very difficult time.
“Whether donating financially, hiking the mountains, hanging posters, canvassing, preparing and delivering food for volunteers and so much more — please know that your thoughtfulness and compassion are so appreciated and that it has sustained the family throughout the difficulty of the search.”
Noel has been quite clear regarding how donated funds will be used, noting that what isn’t used directly for search efforts will go to ensure volunteers are kept fed while out looking for the missing woman.
It is has previously been stated that Morphew’s husband Barry was in Denver attending a volunteer firefighting training miles away at the time of her disappearance. Nevertheless, there has been no publicly released evidence of this fact. Law enforcement has been relatively tight-lipped regarding the search and has not yet publicly announced any people they are considering as suspects. However, they did search Mr. Morphew’s recent job site where he laid dirt as part of a construction project.
As a result of donations as well as Mr. Morphew’s own personal contributions, there is currently a $200,000 reward available in return for information regarding Morphew’s whereabouts.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, it was announced two weeks ago by law enforcement that a massive community canvas had been planned in hopes of locating Morphew.