Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh predicted on his radio show Wednesday that gay marriage will become legal nationwide regardless of how the Supreme Court rules on the issue later this year.
“I don’t care what this court does with this particular ruling, Proposition 8,” Limbaugh said. “I think the inertia is clearly moving in the direction that there is going to be gay marriage at some point nationwide.”
Limbaugh agreed with gay marriage proponents who assert that people might as well accept that the country is changing and opponents should accept that attitudes about gay marriage will not return to the way they used to be. The Pew Research Center recently released a report showing that more Americans now support gay marriage than opposite it.
Limbaugh did not endorse gay marriage on his program. He had this to say about the majority of people who oppose gay marriage:
“They see traditions and institutions which have withstood the test of time under attack. They see fewer and fewer people willing to stand up and defend them, and they simply worry, you know, is everything going to be torn down and redone. They are worried about this whole concept of freedom.”
Limbaugh, like much of his audience, believes that marriage is between one man and one women and asserts that everyone has the same right to marry someone of the opposite sex.
The popular radio host sees the issue of gay marriage as a threat to the Republican Party:
“I mean, the Republican Party, for example, could be looking at its ultimate demise here, depending on how it deals with this. Because they do have multiple millions of voters who are evangelical Christians who on religious grounds alone don’t support homosexual marriage and are not going to support a political party that does.”
Limbaugh went on to mention Dick Cheney, the former Vice President who did not gain liberal support despite backing gay marriage. Cheney, like other Republicans have done , endorsed gay marriage because he has a child who is gay. A daughter.
The Rush Limbaugh Show has traveled across airwaves since 1984 and began national syndication in 1988. Rush Limbaugh remains one of the most prominent conservative voices in the country, but he concedes that support for making gay marriage legal continues to spread nationwide.
[Image by Nicolas Shayko (Flickr: Limbaugh Award) [ CC-BY-2.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons ]